25 October 2024 – Sovereign Lord, You Alone Know

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Friday, 25th October 2024


Ezekiel 37 and Psalm 10 (NIV)

Sovereign Lord, You Alone Know


Ezekiel 37 and Psalm 10 (NIV)

(Jennifer Ho, SWR Committee Member)


Ezekiel 37:1-10 and Psalm 10:4 (NIV)


Ezekiel saw a valley which was covered with dry bones. God asked him if they could come back to life. By faith he said with full confidence, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know”.

He was told to “Prophesy to these bones” that God would bring them back to life, and so it happened: the bones came together, the tendons and flesh appeared, and they were covered with skin. As further commanded by God, Ezekiel  prophesied to the wind, and it came from the four corners of the earth and breathed life to these.

The dry bones mentioned here are not only dead; they have been long dead. Bones are what remain when life has passed. Apart from their presence in a living body, bones by themselves are dead and have no life.


Dry bones refer to people who are spiritually dead. It may also refer to those wicked men mentioned in Psalm 10. Psalm 10:4, “In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.” They are spiritually dead. These people who seem beyond hope, but with the mercy and grace of God, Jesus can bring them back to life. God can “make these bones live”. There is no situation into which He can’t breathe life. 

I teach baking in a reputable cooking studio where I interact with many students from all walks of life. They need God to breathe life into them.


I will continue to look for opportunities to share Christ with my students. I am inspired by Prophet Ezekiel who allowed God to send him out to the valley of dry bones so that he could speak to them. I want to be like Prophet Ezekiel to have a willing heart to be led to speak to the ‘dry bones’ and allow God to perform the work of resuscitation. Truly, I know my Sovereign Lord alone knows  how to bring “dead bones” to life again. 


Lord Jesus, thank You for showing me Ezekiel’s vision that You alone know and offer the gift of salvation to our loved ones and friends who are lost. May I be willing and ready to be led by You to share Your love to those who are in need of Your Spirit to give them life in You. In Jesus’s name, Amen!

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