24 August 2024 – A Life Committed To God

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 24th August 2024


Nehemiah 10 and Psalm 119:1-8 (NIV)

A Life Committed To God


Nehemiah 10 and Psalm 119:1-8 (NIV)

(Chan Wai Lup, Chairperson, Discipleship and Nurture)


Nehemiah 10 (NIV)


In Nehemiah 10, the Israelites made a covenant with God to  keep and observe all of His commandments. They promised to remain faithful to God in not intermarrying with the pagans of the land, to observe the practice of the Sabbath and to contribute to the work of the house of the Lord.


I’ve learnt from this chapter that a life committed to God includes:

  1. keeping myself from unequally yoked relationships, especially in marriage and business partnerships;
  2. observing a day holy unto the Lord;
  3. supporting God’s kingdom work through contributing my resources and abilities.

Even as a young Christian, I was uncompromising in looking for a godly Christian spouse. Unknown to me at that time, my wife also decided that she would rather remain unmarried than marry a non-Christian. No marriage is without challenges and conflict, but I am glad that my wife and I could work ours out by clinging onto God and His Word. Ever since our children were young, my wife and I have been praying for them to marry godly Christian spouses. We are thankful that God has answered our prayers.

When I decided to go into partnership with 2 other doctors in starting a small medical group 30 years ago, I was glad that I did so with brothers-in-Christ. We agreed not to open our clinics on Sunday to keep it as a day for the Lord, though it meant a significant loss of potential income. Business decisions were not always easy as we had our personal preferences, but we held on to godly principles. When we subsequently decided to close some of our clinic sessions so that we could have more time with our families and church ministry, God blessed us abundantly – more than what we asked for.


I had a recent conversation with some people about the importance of pledging our tithes as a commitment to support God’s work instead of just giving offerings. Although I have now retired from paid work, I will continue to support God’s work through my finances and abilities. I am committed to continue building godly relationships within the Church community. I will also commit time and space for more Sabbath moments with God.


Dear heavenly Father, thank You for Your patience with me all these years as I learn what it means to follow Jesus. Forgive me for the times I’ve failed to be obedient to You. Help me to remain faithful to You and Your Word as I commit to living a life that is pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

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