23 September 2024 – Words Just Aren’t Enough

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Monday, 23rd September 2024


Psalm 128 and Job 31 (NIV)

Words Just Aren’t Enough


Job 31 and Psalm 128 (NIV)

(Andrew Tong SGM Zone Leader)


Job 31 (NIV)


In Job 31, Job continues to defend his innocence, and proclaims the measures he has taken to maintain his purity and integrity. The chapter ends with this sentence in verse 40 – “the words of Job are ended”. Job is done with justifying himself, he is done defending his innocence before his friends and before God with words. He will let God be the final arbiter of his situation.


Sometimes words are just too much and like Job, it is best not to say anything. It made me ponder circumstances (and there are many) in my life where we can learn from Job, end our words and trust God.

My daughter made an observation recently that my wife and I had been attending a few funerals/wakes recently.  Grieving with friends/family is not something that comes naturally to me and something that I have tried to avoid in the past as I am really lost for words on such occasions.  Over the years I have come to realise that I don’t really need to say anything, just to be quiet and grieve alongside the grieving. Words are optional.

Having a child take a major like the O- or A-levels in our highly competitive school system is a stressful time for parents.  I recently tried to engage my son about his studies as he prepares for his upcoming O-level exams. After coming out of his room, having spent some hours studying, his reply to my question about his studies ended with him telling me he didn’t want to talk about his studies. As stressed as parents are, our kids are doubly stressed and sometimes it is best not to heap more stress on them. They need space to run the race at their own pace and to allow God to work in their lives.


Don’t bring up any discussion about studies with my son during this stressful period. Let him initiate the discussion at his own time and place. Trust God to work His will in both our lives.


Dear Lord, teach me to be more sensitive to people and situations and to know when it is best for words to end.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

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