23 March 2024 – Are You Ready For Jesus’ Return?

LENT 2024 | DAY 34 | Saturday, 23rd March 2024


Mark 13:28-37 (NIV)

Are You Ready For Jesus’ Return?

LENT 2024 | DAY 34

Mark 13:28-37 (NIV)

(Tony Yeo, Steward, Local Church Executive Committee)

In 2021, I had a health scare. I had always thought that I was ever ready to see my Father in Heaven but when the health scare came, it got me very worried. Was I really ready? Have I done all that God wants me to do? Have I fulfilled His will for me? 

The health scare turned out to be a false alarm but it got me thinking. I have spent all my time on this earth looking after my family, trying to do my work well and serving in ministries in church but have I sufficiently prepared myself for the second coming of Jesus? Are my priorities in life correct?

Many Christians today think that the second coming of Jesus could be hundreds, thousands or even millions of years from now. There is no hurry. We have plenty of time to prepare for His second coming. 

The one thing that I learnt from my health scare is that my time and indeed, everyone’s time on this earth is limited. I do not know when my limited time on this earth will end. 

One thing, however, is certain and that is, Jesus will come again. Jesus tells us that even the “Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away”. As Jesus’ follower, I truly believe this and I can stake my life upon Jesus’ words. But when will Jesus’ second coming be? Does anyone know or can anyone foretell? The answer is, no one knows. Not even Jesus. “Only the Father knows”.

Jesus tells us that He is the master of the house that has left His house and put His servants in charge. He is the master of the house and we, His followers, are the servants. I am “Therefore to keep watch” and to “Be on guard! Be alert!”. What then should I do to prepare for Jesus’ second coming? I have to spend my time studying Jesus’ words as His follower and learn the lesson from the fig tree. I often pray for God’s help, for healing, for mercy, for forgiveness, for blessings and in thanksgiving but I have not sufficiently spent the time to prepare myself and my family for Jesus’ second coming, the most important event in my life, the impact and results of which will last for eternity. 

What are my priorities in life? Are they the things that I own, the people around me or is it the Lord, my God? The Jesus whom I follow and the master of the house whom I know will come back again and when He does, I have to be ready to receive Him. This is and has to be the priority in my life.

This, then, is how I will prepare myself:

1.   Worship and serve Him with a grateful heart;

2.   Spend even more time to study His Word;

3.   Discern His will for me;

4.   Live each day according to His instructions and will for me;

5.   Give my all to Him every day as it may be the day of Jesus’ second coming.


1.  In this passage, Jesus told His disciples to “keep watch” (verses 34, 35 and 36). Why?

2. How are you keeping watch and preparing for Jesus’ second coming?

3. If Jesus comes today, what do you think He would say to you?

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