22 November 2023 – Blessed Obedience!

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 22nd November 2023


Deuteronomy 5 and Psalm 115 (NIV)

Blessed Obedience!


Deuteronomy 5 and Psalm 115 (NIV)

(Daryl Tay, PTM Children’s Ministry)


Deuteronomy 5 and Psalm 115 (NIV)


It comes out strongly to me that the obedience of God’s people to His Law and the fear of His name seem always to be associated with His blessing. In Deuteronomy 5, upon giving the Ten Commandments to the Israelites, the LORD declares in v33 that, “You shall walk in all the ways that the LORD your God has commanded you, that you may live, and that it may go well with you, and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess.” As the people are on the cusp of  inheriting the Promised Land, YHWH proclaims an important truth – if God’s people are to be blessed, they must walk in God’s ways. Only through covenant obedience and community holiness could Israel claim or fulfill the identity, role and blessing offered to them.

In Psalm 115, the Psalmist starts by challenging the listener: Who or what do we place our trust in? Do we trust in ourselves? Do we trust in the idols of our time? And then the Psalmist makes a powerful statement that impacts me – “You who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD. He is their help and their shield.” In a similar fashion as seen in the earlier passage, the Psalmist states the important truth that as we fear God and trust in Him, it places us in the correct posture to be the recipients of His blessing. v12-15 are promises that because God has remembered His people, those who fear Him will be blessed. The Psalmist ends the Psalm with a line that sticks out to me: “But we will bless the LORD from this time forth and forevermore.” Just as we are blessed by God, out of overflowing gratitude, we can bless the LORD with our praises. It is a beautiful portrait of a loving relationship between God and man.


This question stood out to me: “How do I see the relationship between God’s blessing and our obedience?” I realize that I sometimes get caught up with seeking the blessing and forgetting the obedience part. Here, God’s Word reminds me to first seek to fear His name. God’s laws are not at all intended to inhibit our freedom, but actually to guide us how to live life in a way that aligns with His shalom and righteousness. I am led to reflect on a recent conversation with a friend. He lamented to me how society’s traditional values and expectations are quickly eroding. He painted a grim picture of today’s pervasive culture and summarized it as “you-happy-can-already”, indicating how people are encouraged to live according to how they please. Frankly, I find myself also questioning, sometimes, why Christianity does not allow us to do this or that. God’s Word reminds me today that His blessing is always associated with our faith and obedience. His commandments are ultimately for our flourishing. Not that we can ever earn or deserve His blessing, but by living our lives according to His Way, I can discover that this is indeed the best way that I can live my life. And that is what it means to be blessed.


Continue to immerse myself in and love God’s Word.

Boldly stand up against aspects of culture that may contradict God’s righteousness.

Bless God’s name by continuing to praise Him with my life.  


Dear God,

Thank You for Your wonderful Word and statutes. Truly they are a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path. Help me to see the heart of Your Word and guide me to live my life in accordance to Your holy and pleasing will.

In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.

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