22 January 2024 – God Of Promise

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Monday, 22nd January 2024


Joshua 23:1-16 and Psalm 21 (NIV)

God Of Promise


Joshua 23:1-16 and Psalm 21 (NIV)

(Ian Chng, SGM Zone Leader)


Joshua 23:1-16 and Psalm 21 (NIV)


Joshua was a great servant leader who had the interest of the people at heart.  He was humble before the Lord and gave glory to God for all the successes in conquering the land – The Lord always kept His promises. 

When Joshua was very old and knew he would not be with the Israelites for long, he wanted to prepare the people to continue claiming the land that the Lord had promised them.  

He reminded the people of how the Lord had protected them and delivered His promises in giving them victories over their enemies and the land. Joshua assured them that the Lord would drive out all the people in the land they had yet to conquer as He had promised. Joshua urged them to be strong and courageous.

In return, the people must adhere closely to the instructions in the Book of the Law of Moses and not waver. They must be careful to obey and love the Lord. Joshua commanded them not to associate with, or adopt the customs of the people in the land they would occupy, not to intermarry with them and not to worship their gods. If they did, they would be ensnared and trapped by them and sin against God. Disaster would befall them and they would lose the Promised Land if they turned away from God. 


The words of a dying person often carry a lot of wisdom and truth to his or her loved ones. They are to be treasured and applied.

Joshua’s departing words for the ancient Hebrews also apply to the present age. Blessings come with obedience and faith. Disasters and curses are the consequences of sin.

The world we live in is full of attractive temptations, and sin has a way of creeping into our lives. If I am not careful, I can be lured away and lose my way. The word of God is my compass and the Holy Spirit is my guide.


To remember all the blessings that God has given me in my life, how he saw me through challenging times and lessons learnt through trials.

Should I face challenging times ahead, I must anchor myself in the Lord who loves me and redeems me.

To serve the Lord and not false “gods” that the world offers e.g., materialism, fortune, fame and power.

Associate with like-minded godly people to help me stay on the right path.


Almighty God, thank you for Your loving kindness and amazing grace in my life. Indeed, I trust in Your unfailing love that will keep me from stumbling.  May I walk in the path of Your light and proclaim Your goodness to the world as King David did in Psalm 21:13.  

“Rise up, O Lord, in all your power.
With music and singing we celebrate your mighty acts”.

In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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