21 October 2023 – Piety

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 21st October 2023


1 Timothy 5 and Psalms 88 (NIV)



1 Timothy 5 and Psalms 88 (NIV)

(Woo Li Chun, Disciple Facilitator)


1 Timothy 5 and Psalms 88 (NIV)


As I read the passages today, the word piety (1 Tim 5:4) jumped out. Wikipedia defines “Piety is a virtue which may include religious devotion or spirituality. A common element in most conceptions of piety is a duty of respect.”  

This duty of respect was emphasised  by Paul especially for relationships within the same household. In particular for women who were widows or unmarried, piety also included loving thoughts and actions towards them to ensure their total well being. Paul was stern: “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

Piety also extends to all other relationships. Behind piety, the basic principle is one of love. Paul gave a few examples in 1 Tim 5:18-20 and instructed “that you observe these things without prejudice, doing nothing with partiality.” (1Tim 5:21)

In Psalm 88 we see a picture of what piety before God looks like. The Psalmist comes before God with transparency and honesty to seek God for His help. The Psalmist does not rile angrily at God. Instead he exalts God’s Sovereignty and pleads for His mercy, giving all due respect and reverence.


I’m reminded that piety begins at home. I’m reminded that in the duty of care and provision – due honour, respect and reverence is a must when I relate to everyone, from the oldest and even to the youngest, at home.

I’m reminded that piety begins with love in purity. 

I’m reminded that piety applies to relationships beyond the home. To those in the workplace, church and social circles. Even when I’m in conflict with another, I cannot forget respect and reverence for the other, and must be impartial.

Above all, I’m reminded to treat God with reverence and fear.


I ask myself…have I practised  what I observed?  Have I on occasions been selfish, inconsiderate, or impure towards another?   Have I been disrespectful of God and taken Him for granted in my prayers to Him? Do I take Him as an ‘ATM’?

Thanks be to God! Though “I am counted with those who go down to the pit;” (Ps 88:4) God is gracious and He will “Let my prayer come before You; incline Your ear to my cry.” (Ps 88:2). For He loves me so much and will forgive and redeem.


Dear “Lord, I have called daily upon You; I have stretched out my hands to You.” (PS 88:9). Forgive my carelessness, forgetfulness and sinful nature which leads me to be brusque, callous or disrespectful of others and prideful against You. Please forgive me and change my heart, thoughts and action to live in piety, purity and without partiality. In Jesus’ Most Powerful and Loving Name. Amen 

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