21 March 2022 – Stepping Out To Walk On Water!

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Monday, 21st March 2022


Matthew 14  (NIV)

Stepping Out To Walk On Water!

LENT 2022 | DAY 17

Matthew 14 (NIV)

(Joni Ong, Co-Leader, Rainbow of Joy, Small Group Ministry)


Matthew 14, focusing on verses 22-33

His Word to me this season:

23After he (Jesus) had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray.

27But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

29“Come,” he (Jesus) said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

32And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down.


This oft-told lovely story of Jesus walking on water is revisited with new lenses in these troubling days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a continuing global viral pandemic. My added takeaways include the previously missed nugget about Jesus leaving the crowds to find time to pray, to be alone with God. In the chaotic world of today, it is even more imperative that I learn to free myself of crowded schedules to find time alone with God, to pray in earnest for peace and mercy. Images of suffering Ukrainians and even Russian soldiers fighting a war they may not believe in, grieve me. Jesus proclaimed then and now, “Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid”, a bold promise that I cling to on days when discouragement, doubts and a sense of helplessness surround me. Indeed, He is the great I AM. He is in control of the world. I shall not be afraid.

Responding to Jesus’ call, Peter took the literal plunge out of the boat. He was the only disciple out of the 12 in the relative safety of the boat, to have enough faith to step out. He miraculously walked on water like his Master, with eyes fully trained on Him. Alas, the moment he took his eyes off Jesus, Peter began to flounder as he became distracted by the scary windy situation around him. I am again reminded of the need to be willing to step out, focus on Jesus and build on my relationship with Him…why, I can even walk on water hand in hand with Christ should I be found faithful. The little miracles in my life are testimony of His lovingkindness and new mercies every morning! When Jesus saved Peter and they both got back on the boat, the wind died down. Truly, as my children sang at Sunday School years ago, “with Christ in the vessel, I can smile at the storm…”. Hallelujah!


  • Like Jesus, I want to find alone time with God, to commune with Him in prayer and supplication.
  • Like Peter, I want to dare to step out of the boat when Jesus calls me, to fully put my trust in Him.
  • I only want to focus on Jesus when He is carrying me through the storms in my life, and not be distracted by the seemingly helpless situations around me. 
  • I want to have Christ in my boat all the time. He is in control of my every circumstance and situation. 


Amidst the busyness of life and its many distractions, I need Jesus every day, all the way. I will continue my daily morning walks where I spend quality time listening to His Word and praying. Through these interactions, Jesus will more likely be my focus for each day and whenever any situation arises, I can ask, “What would Jesus do?” to guide my actions. I shall trust and obey, for really, there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus. 


Dear God, I commit my life to You once again. Help me to keep my eyes on You, love my neighbours and seek to do what is right daily. I want to care for the things You care for, and please break my heart for what breaks Yours. May You be glorified, in Jesus’ holy name, Amen. 

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