Train Yourself For Godliness
1 Timothy 4 and Psalm 87 (NIV)
(Giam Lay Hoon, Disciple Facilitator)
1 Timothy 4 : 6-16 (NIV)
Paul wrote to Timothy to :
- Be trained in the words of the faith and the doctrine (v6)
- Have nothing to do with the irreverent , silly myths or trends (v7)
- Toil and strife for godliness, for it is valuable in every way, not just for the present life but for the life to come (V7 – 10)
- Not neglect the gift that was given to him (Timothy), the gift of preaching, teaching and exhortation) (v14)
- Keep a close watch on himself (Timothy) (including his behaviour and his teachings) (v16)
The Word tells me that “strictness” is not the same as “legalism”.
Legalism is the idea that I gain merit by striving and working to comply with commandments, charters, regulations, precepts, and guidelines. However this is untrue. I am saved by unmerited grace.
However, it is not cheap grace, it is not hyper grace.
Strictness is the dedicated pursuit of holiness, training and striving towards godliness, so that I do not depart from the faith, so that I am focused and immersed in the pursuit of Christ-likeness.
My journey of discipleship is more than legal compliance of laws. These are in fact simple enough, but they are not the point.
I know that by grace Jesus keeps me from falling and is able to present me faultless unto the presence of God’s Glory with exceeding joy! (Jude 1; 24). I simply have to keep following Him.
In the cacophony of life, yes, even church-life, it is easy to merely follow rituals and programmes, all meticulously documented and articulated without any real understanding, resulting in no outward transformation of a life rooted in Christ .
I have to strive to be conscious of not merely complying, but live a life of godliness- always displaying a temperate countenance, carrying great joy, being hospitable, gentle in deeds and words, pleasing to our Lord (1 Timothy 3).
Dear Lord, I thank you for the gift of salvation through your son, Jesus Christ. Give me the vision and the knowledge of how to live a life of godliness. This so that I may claim your promise of a better life, not just in this life, but in the next.
Lord, make me like You, Please make me like you
You are a Servant, Make me one too
O Lord, I am willing, Do what you must do
To make me like You, Lord
Just make me like You