20 November 2024 – Pride And Prejudice

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 20th November 2024


James 4 and Psalm 35:1-16 (NIV)

Pride And Prejudice


James 4 and Psalm 35:1-16 (NIV)

(Loke Ai Mei, COSC Director)


James 4 (NIV)


Living a mature Christian life is characterized by submission to God and one another. There were constant conflicts, animosity, and disunity among Christians, and James directly addresses the ill relationships hurting the church. Pride and selfishness are characteristics of the old self. The disciples of Jesus Christ are to put away the old self and live renewed lives in Christ. Yet, this is not the situation, and their community is characterized and consumed by envy and worldly cravings. James exhorts the Christians to repent and submit to God in humility. He calls for believers to resist the temptations of the devil, draw near to God, cleanse their hands from sin, purify their hearts, and mourn in repentance.


Pride creates tension and disagreements, often leading to anger, bitterness, and conflicts. How do I view others, especially those who hold different opinions? Instead of insisting on my own perspective, can I take a moment to consider their point of view? When I am upset with someone, do I criticize others, or blame them when things do not go as planned?

Am I aware of my shortcomings? How can I pursue holiness and seek reconciliation instead of ignoring issues? Is there anyone against whom I harbour      a grudge? How can I surrender this to the Lord and submit to God?


When there is conflict or differences in opinion with other believers, I hope to pause, reflect, surrender, and submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I want to avoid boasting about myself, my plans, and my accomplishments for the sake of self-glorification. I want to grow to consider others’ perspectives, remain humble, and be open to correction instead of being defensive. I will ask God for daily mercies and grace to walk in humility and submission to Him.


Father God, please shower Your mercies upon me as I strive to walk in the ways of Christ. Help me to deny myself and learn to put others first even though it can be a difficult thing to do and I may fail at times. Reveal my self-seeking tendencies and guide me to repent. In times of disagreement, guide me to surrender and resolve matters without bitterness. I am thankful for each new day, knowing that Your faithfulness and goodness is present every morning. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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