20 March 2023 – God Answers Prayers In His Own Time

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Monday, 20th March 2023


Matthew 7:7-8 (NIV)

God Answers Prayers In His Own Time

LENT 2023 | DAY 23

Matthew 7:7-8 (NIV)

(Cheryl Seow, President, Women’s Society of Christian Service)


Matthew 7:7-8 (NIV)


When my daughters were younger, they would throw tantrums if I didn’t accede to their multiple requests, especially involving the use of mobile devices during mealtimes. Through their tears, they would appeal against my verdict, pleading “But I asked politely, and I even said ‘please’ and ‘thank you’!” 

Yet, there were many other occasions where I was too quick to answer their requests. I did this with the misguided hope of avoiding their tantrums and causing a scene in front of family members and friends. This resulted in their expectation that they would always get what they want, as long as they asked for it.

The verses in Matthew 7:7-8 remind me that God does hear our prayers. But He answers them in His own time. Our Heavenly Father is not a parent who practises instant gratification. God may not answer my prayers and petitions at the point in time that suits me or at all. He will answer me, in His own time and in accordance with His plans for me. He is doing so for my own good, to mould my character. He wants me to persist in praying, trusting and worshipping Him, while I await His answers to my petitions. This is also a useful reminder to me, as a parent, as to how I should approach certain requests from my kids.

As I enter a new phase of parenthood with my daughters on the cusp of being teenagers, I look back and thank God for answering my prayers and bringing me through many parenting challenges. As for the trials and tribulations of parenting teenagers, I place my hope and commit these challenges into the Lord’s hands. I trust that God will use these experiences for my good. 


1. How can parents equip and teach their children to face disappointment, rejection and challenges?

2. How can parents help their children to answer God’s call to believe in Him? 

3. What can spiritual family members, e.g. small group members, do to encourage one another to persist in praying, trusting and worshipping God, through the storms of life? 

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