20 August 2022 – God Calls For Us To Only Turn To Him

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 20th August 2022


Jeremiah 16 and Psalm 20 (NIV)

God Calls For Us To Only Turn To Him


Jeremiah 16 and Psalm 20 (NIV)

(Dr Saw Seang Mei. Zone 10 Leader, Small Group Ministry)


Jeremiah 16 (NIV)


In Jeremiah Chapter 16, God commanded the prophet Jeremiah not to marry and to set himself apart from the people in several ways. Disaster would strike the land of Judah as God withdrew His Blessings on the people (v6). There would be death in the land and the dead would not be buried or mourned. As people enquired about the reason for the “great disaster” (v10), God admonished the people and ancestors for their sins and evil stubborn hearts that turned away from God and followed other idols (v11-13). God pronounced judgement to “teach them My power and might, then they will know that My name is the Lord” (v21). Yet despite their sin, God showed His mercy and he foretold that He would eventually restore them to the land (v15). Yes, the Lord was compassionate. “O Lord, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in time of distress” (v19a).


This passage reminds me of the seriousness of sin and its severe consequences.  It is critical for me to turn to God wholeheartedly, to obey Him and walk in His Ways always. Any desire to follow other idols in my life will bring me further away from God. As the pandemic restrictions are eased, it is tempting to revert to my “old comfortable” ways and not devote my time to God. God is greatly displeased with any rebellion.  At the same time, I can see God’s relentless and loving pursuit of me at every stage of my life. I want to listen to Him intently, obey and follow Him as He directs my steps. “May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed” (Psalm 20:4). 


I want to examine my heart for any sins as well as other idols in my life, and to repent fully. I am warned of the consequences of turning away from the Lord in pursuit of my own interests, plans and agenda. As I follow God’s plans for my life, He will provide me with the love, strength and wisdom to serve in the community or ministry. I want to depend only on the Lord as He is my Loving Savior. Psalm 20:7 is one of my favourite verses in the Bible: “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” I ask for the Holy Spirit to empower me with the desire to be close to the Lord every day, and to experience the joy, peace and love from God. 


Dear Lord,

You are the Mighty one. The Great I Am. I humble myself as I confess my sins to You. Lord, it is so easy to be distracted and to spend time on my own causes. But I know that I have to turn completely to You and repent of any ways that You will show me are not desirable.  I will only trust in You Lord, and not place my hopes in other pursuits. I know that You are a compassionate mighty Savior and You will provide and show me Your ways. Give me the will and desire to obey You wholeheartedly. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

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