20 April 2024 – Complete Surrender

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 20th April 2024


1 Samuel 23:1-29; 24:1-22 and Psalm 60 (NIV)

Complete Surrender


1 Samuel 23:1-29; 24:1-22 and Psalm 60 (NIV)

(Goh Khean Chye DISCIPLE Bible Studies, D&N Ministry)


As we come to the last two chapters of 1 Samuel, David has been on the run for a while, pursued by the jealous Saul, who even killed all the priests of Nob for aiding David in the previous chapter.

In 1 Samuel 23, David heard that the Philistines were attacking the town of Keilah. He sought God’s guidance and successfully defended the city. However, when Saul learned of David’s presence in Keilah, he planned to capture him. David fled to the wilderness of Ziph, where he was betrayed by the people of Ziph. 

In 1 Samuel 23:26b-28, “As Saul and his forces were closing in on David and his men to capture them, 27 a messenger came to Saul, saying, “Come quickly! The Philistines are raiding the land.” 28 Then Saul broke off his pursuit of David and went to meet the Philistines.”


I noted 3 things in this story:

  1. David sought God in all his decisions – He enquired of the Lord at least four times in verses 1 to 12 (1 Samuel 23).
  2. David trusted in God’s guidance – Despite the risks involved and being pursued, he followed God’s direction in defending the city of Keilah against the Philistines.
  3. God’s protection and provision for David and his men – “Day after day Saul searched for him, but God did not give David into his hands.” (1 Samuel 23:14b, v26b-28)


This passages reminded me:

  1. To seek the Lord in all decisions
  2. To trust the Lord’s direction once it is clear, rather than to dither when it seems difficult.
  3. To trust in the Lord’s protection and provision.


As I reflect on these passages, I realise that I still compartmentalize some parts of my life and prefer not to seek the Lord’s direction or trust in His plans and provision. May I learn to surrender all to the Lord.


Father Lord, forgive me for the times that I have kept things away from You. Teach me to fully surrender and trust in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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