2 October 2024 – Never Gonna Give You Up

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 2nd October 2024


Ezekiel 2, 3 and Psalm 137 (NIV)

Never Gonna Give You Up


Ezekiel 2, 3 and Psalm 137 (NIV)

(Lee Sock Kuan, CiC Facilitator)


Ezekiel 2, 3 (NIV)


Ezekiel was called to his prophetic ministry in these chapters and what a harsh call it was. He was being sent to give a warning to a nation filled with “rebellious people” (2:5) who had been revolting for generations. He was tasked to speak the truth regardless of the people’s response – perhaps the people will listen, but perhaps they will not. On top of that, God even forewarned him of the perils of his task, the hardened hearts of his audience and most strikingly, the burden of his responsibilities as the watchman! 

It seemed silly to send Ezekiel on this thankless mission doomed from the start. In modern economic parlance, this is terrible ROI (return on investments). Why bother doing something when you know the end results are dismal? In our world where efficiency and results are highly valued, Ezekiel’s task seemed like a real waste of time and resources! But in God’s economy, dogged pursuit of His people is worth it, even through the generations of people with obstinate and unyielding hearts. 


As I reflected on this, I am assured of God’s faithfulness; regardless of how stubborn I can be, however far I drift from Him, He will continue to pursue me relentlessly, never giving up on me. 

Whilst I am comforted by this assurance, I also realize that someone who might have their heart hardened towards God would need the same assurance. Just as Ezekiel was called, I can be called to share a word, an encouragement or warning. Regardless of their responses, my responsibility is to speak in truth so that they too will know that God never gives up on them.


I want to learn to see the world through His eyes more and more so that I can step out in faith when He calls me to seemingly thankless, mundane or impossible tasks. 


Dear Lord, thank You for never giving up on me. I pray that I will have the courage and humility to step out in faith when You call so that others, too, will know of Your everlasting faithfulness. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

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