2 July 2022 – The Anger Of God

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 2nd July 2022


Romans 1:18-32 and Psalm 119:161-176 (NIV)

The Anger Of God


Romans 1:18-32 and Psalm 119:161-176 (NIV)

(Aw Choon Hui, Lay Leader)


Romans 1:18-32 (NIV)

These verses (using the Good News Translation) caught my attention:

v18: “God’s anger is revealed from heaven against all the sin and evil of the people…”

v28: Because those people refuse to keep in mind the true knowledge about God, he has given them over to corrupted minds, so that they do the things that they should not do. 

v30: They gossip and speak evil of one another; they are hateful to God, insolent, proud, and boastful; they think of more ways to do evil; they disobey their parents

v31: they have no conscience; they do not keep their promises, and they show no kindness or pity for others. 


God’s anger (or wrath) upon human disobedience is described as God having “given them over”. This phrase is mentioned 3 times in vv24, 26 and 28.  In these instances, God gave them up to filthy and shameful passions.  It is as if God lifts His protecting hand to allow unadulterated evil to have full rein in their lives, devoid of His help and love. Surely, it is a terrifying thing for God to ever give me up!

The sins listed include having unnatural sexual relations and a corrupted mind. But then Paul continues with further examples of unrighteousness (vv29-31): Those who speak evil of one another, are insolent, proud and boastful, those who disobey their parents, break promises and show no kindness.

These seemingly ‘small’ sins are listed together with the known ‘big’ sins – reminding me that ALL sins equally deserve the anger of God.


This chapter of the Bible is quite discomforting.  While I would rather read about the love of God being revealed, it is the anger of the Lord here that is being revealed.  Yet it is the same God.  He cannot stand sin and it was for my sin that His precious Son died in my stead.

So, if I reject his Son, I am deserving of His full anger upon me. There is no escape.

If I examine myself and am honest before God, I know in my heart that I have at some time or other:

  • spoken bad about someone, sometimes twisting the truth, or subtly casting aspersions on another’s character or motive, so as to make myself look better;
  • been proud, even if silently so, and forgetting that God is the one who actually deserves all the praise and glory;
  • neglected to show kindness, and just walked on by, excusing myself as just being too busy to help;
  • forgotten my promises to help or pray for others, and then condemning others for doing the same to me.

I sadly realise I am capable of repeating these sins, and without the redeeming grace of God, I have no hope.

I also need to consider myself no better than others, despite their seemingly ‘bigger sins’.  God hates All sin, period. 


What I can do:

  1. Practise examen daily (suggest doing this in the evening on the way home from work or just before I sleep) – to review my day with God, asking Him to help me remember his presence during the different times of the day, and bring to light those sins which I may have carelessly committed.
  2. Seek forgiveness and the help of the Holy Spirit – to be more mindful of how my actions and words could hurt and grieve our Lord.
  3. When I am tempted to pass judgement on others, may the Holy Spirit always remind me that I am equally guilty of God’s anger, and in need of His grace.

This is part of my discipleship journey to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ.


Father, forgive me for the times I have considered myself better than others and remind me that even my ‘small’ sins cause you grief. Holy Spirit, fill me each day to be more and more like you. For I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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