19 September 2023 – Who Gets The Inheritance?

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 19th September 2023

Who Gets The Inheritance?


Galatians 3:23-29; Galatians 4 and Psalm 58 (NIV)

(Eric Ang, Finance Chair)


Galatians 3:23-4:31 and Psalm 58 (NIV)


My father came from a very patriarchal background but when it came to distributing his inheritance, he gave each of his children an equal share. As for me, I am still fine tuning my will. I did ask myself how I would have responded if I had been the father in the parable of the prodigal son. My tongue-in-cheek response is that the parable would not have existed as I would never have allowed my son to demand his share of the inheritance in advance. 

The above serves to illustrate that inheritance distribution is a very personal matter: it is subjective, varied and can be complex in our perplexed world. Each giver tends to rely on his or her own wisdom that is often shaped by the law, culture, customs, and traditions, and let’s not forget the influencers, agitators and predators who try to steal one’s inheritance. 

Who gets the inheritance is an age-long issue. It is recorded in the Bible that God commanded Moses to have a statute and rule for the people of Israel who died without sons (Numbers 27:8-11). It is the same today when a person dies intestate (ie. without a will). We follow the law of the land.

Paul tells us in today’s Bible reading that God approaches inheritance very differently. Most wills are shrouded in secrecy but God tells us upfront and makes a promise about how His inheritance will be shared.

God sent His only Son to redeem us. So in Christ Jesus we are all children of God through faith (Galatians 3:24, 26). God has adopted us as His children and we have become His heirs (Galatians 4:7) and co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17). As members of God’s family, we are given the Spirit of Christ to live in our hearts. This is our inheritance as Children of God. 


It is by God’s grace that I am adopted into sonship. This adoption is a big deal. It is recognition and acceptance into the family of God. Just as it is important to belong to a family on earth, it is even more important to belong to God’s eternal family. 

As a child of God, the Holy Spirit lives in me. This means that I can start to enjoy my inheritance now as I am freed to live a Spirit empowered life.

And there is the hope of what is to come when Christ returns. 


1. Acknowledge my identity as a child of God by calling God “Abba, Father”. My prayer is to be a worthy and responsible son. 

2. Claim my inheritance that God has already given me. Treasure the Spirit that lives in my heart and be thankful.

3. Plan my own inheritance wisely so that it will not be the seed of discord but the seed of love. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide me in unifying the family, not divide it. 


Thank you Abba, Father for making us Your children and heirs to Your inheritance. Help us to be worthy members of Your eternal family. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. 

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