19 March 2024 – When God Sends A Messenger To You

LENT 2024 | DAY 30 | Tuesday, 19th March 2024


 Mark 12:1-17 (NIV)

When God Sends A Messenger To You

LENT 2024 | DAY 30

 Mark 12:1-17 (NIV)

(Vincent Hong, Chairperson, Mandarin Ministry)

I keep asking myself this question as I read this passage over and over again. If I am the tenant who rented the vineyard from the landowner, will I be so foolish as to kill his servant who has come to collect some of the fruit of his own vineyard? It just doesn’t sound logical to me because the vineyard doesn’t belong to me in the first place; it belongs to the landowner. I would have treated his servant with my utmost respect and even given him the VIP treatment. But if the servant is sent to correct my wrongdoings or warn me against doing something improper to the vineyard entrusted to me, will I shut him out? Will I ignore him and turn a deaf ear? Or even worse, will I confront him and ‘murder’ him with my evil tongue? I think I may have done just such a thing without realising it.

As I reflect upon myself, be it in the corporate world, church or family, I recognise that I am not perfect and there will certainly be times when I am wrong about something or make wrong and terrible decisions. This parable reminds me that God may speak to me and send someone to be His messenger. I must not be defensive and be blinded by my own pride, but instead learn to be humble and be thankful and listen to those messengers.

I remember the Chinese idiom, 忠言逆耳 which literally means good/loyal advice jars on the ears. The essential difference between the wise and the foolish is what they do and how they react when someone is kind enough and willing to tell them the right from wrong. The fool insists he is right and ‘kills’ the messenger in one form or another, while the wise person listens, reflects and is willing to make changes.

Let this be a constant reminder to myself. I have been given responsibilities in different areas. It is by God’s grace and mighty power that I have been given the privilege of serving Him by spreading this Good News (New Living Translation Ephesians 3:7). In every job God assigns me, my ultimate performance appraisal comes from Him. I must always keep an open mind and open heart to listen to feedback and be thankful for messengers from God who help me improve and run a better race for our Lord. 


1.  What is your takeaway from the Parable of the Tenants?

2. Were there times where God sent a messenger to speak truth to you? How did you react?

3. In whatever you do, do you seek to please God or please man?

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