18 October 2022 – God’s Plan

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 18th October 2022

God’s Plan


1 Corinthians 16 and Psalm 78:40-72 (NIV)

(Cheryl Seow, President, Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS))


Psalm 78:70-72 (NIV)


God planned David’s path in life. David spent his youth as a shepherd (1 Samuel 16:10), and this was part of God’s plan to train and equip David for bigger roles and responsibilities later in his life. In Psalm 78:70 to 72, God chose David to shepherd Israel. Whether as a shepherd or king, David performed his duties responsibly and with integrity. 


I think back to my own salad days when I worked extremely long hours as a newly-minted lawyer. There were moments where I felt like a lost sheep, but I pressed on and performed my duties to the best of my limited abilities. Upon reflection, I realised God had been training me for bigger responsibilities with the many “hats” I wear now, as a believer, daughter, wife, mother, employee, boss, and friend.   


Regardless of which “hat” I wear, I am reminded to be responsible, honest and to exercise grace. I should conduct myself and my tasks with the sole purpose of glorifying God. When I feel disheartened or lost, I will lean on God’s Word, and trust in His perfect plan for me. 


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the plans You have in store for my life. You truly work in ways I cannot see. I seek Your forgiveness for all the times I felt frustrated with the situations I was placed in, when You were in fact refining and moulding me. I pray that You continue to bless and surround me with brothers and sisters in Christ, who will keep me honest and remind me to exercise grace in all that I do, think or say. Amen. 

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