18 November 2022 – It Is Hard To Be Anxious When We Are Thankful

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Friday, 18th November 2022


Philippians 4  and Psalm 106:1-23 (NIV)

It Is Hard To Be Anxious When We Are Thankful


Philippians 4  and Psalm 106:1-23 (NIV)

(Charis Lim, Chairperson, Digital Wesley )


The following passage from Philippians 4:6 (NIV) stands out for me: 

6Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 


Philippians 4 speaks of Christ’s strength in times of suffering. There are 6 things Paul exhorts us to do: 1. Stand firm (4:1), 2. Rejoice (4:4), 3. Do not be anxious (4:6), 4. Allow God’s peace to rule (4:7), 5. Practise the things of God (4:9), 6. Do everything in God’s strength (4:13).

It is interesting that among the 6 things Paul exhorts, the only thing Pauls tells us NOT to do is to be anxious (4:6). Being anxious for nothing is not a suggestion Paul is making, it is an imperative. Paul is saying that when we don’t rely on God, we are trying to carry a burden that wasn’t meant for us. God rejoices when we trust Him and rely on His grace, willingness and ability to help us. The more we recognise God’s sovereign hand in our daily lives, the more our anxious thoughts will melt away into His surpassing peace (4:7). 


1. Pray.

2. Be thankful.

Paul encourages me to pray about everything, bringing every concern to Him. As part of my prayer time, He instructs me to be thankful. Thanksgiving is that forward looking faith that thanks God for the answer before I see it. When I choose to be thankful, it changes my perspective on the situation. Instead of being stressed out about how difficult things are or what I lack, I can choose to be thankful for the things that God has already done or is about to do. Being thankful can turn my anxiety around. For it is hard to remain anxious when I’m thankful. I should develop a habit of being thankful to God for all things. 


Paul says to pray and be thankful “in every situation”. That means there is nothing too small to bring to him. God is concerned about not just the big things but also the small things. I will practise praying in every situation big or small and in all circumstances. 

Prayer is the expression of my dependence upon His promises. Petition means, keep it up, over and over again. I will practise putting my mind to finding comfort, joy and peace in Christ and to keep it up over and over again. This continual practice of prayer strengthens my faith. And it guards my heart and mind against anxiety and fear. It enables me to be constantly present and attuned with God, not doubting, but praying and obeying with the knowledge that God works for my good.


Lord Jesus, I confess, that I so often prefer worry over prayer. Thank you for calling me to cast all my cares upon you. I pray that I may learn to do that with a heart of continual thanksgiving.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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