18 March 2024 – Be The Pleasing Aroma Of Christ

LENT 2024 | DAY 29 | Monday, 18th March 2024


 Mark 11:12-33 (NIV)

Be The Pleasing Aroma Of Christ

LENT 2024 | DAY 29

 Mark 11:12-33 (NIV)

(Ng Chai Seng, Secretary, Local Church Executive Committee)

In the passage, Jesus cursed the fig tree (verse 14). Later, Peter remembered this and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!” (verse 21). Though the fig tree looks promising, it bears no fruit (like faith with no works to show – James 2:22-26). John 15 tells us that God cuts off every branch in Him that does not bear fruit.

It is also recorded that money exchange and the sale of animal sacrifices benefitted the merchants. In His righteous anger, Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves in the temple courts (verse 15). The house of worship had turned into a profiteering business. 

They turned away the Gentiles from worshipping God with a barrier. But by His sacrificial death, Jesus has broken down all barriers, and all who have faith and believe in Him can have full access to God. There is no longer the need to offer animal sacrifices, for He Himself was the perfect sacrifice on the cross to redeem us from sin, once for all (Hebrews 7:27).

The lesson of the fig tree and the temple court reminds us to be fruitful and serve God’s purpose.

I’m reminded by Rev Clement Ong in his sermon that we can bear fruit by bringing others hope through Christ and showing them His love through our words, thoughts and deeds.

If we are willing, God will prune us so that we will be even more fruitful (John 15:2).

I am reminded of the following encounters with stall owners in the hawker centres in which I tried to be fruitful for Christ: 

1) the chef was nursing a back injury and I asked about the progress of his recovery; 

2) the stall owner cut her finger and I offered her a band-aid; 

3) the senior stall assistant asked me to repeat my orders a few times; I tried being patient and empathetic, even when he got the orders wrong sometimes.

We learn from today’s passage not to be “barriers” but the pleasing aroma of Christ (2 Corinthians 2:15). There are many opportunities to love and serve others in the following ways:

1) Consider the Scriptures in our Bible Reading Drive, Bible Study, devotion or sermons. Think of how we can express our gratitude to God for our salvation.

2) Consider people in their workplaces (healthcare, hawker centres, church, school, home, office, service counters); give them a word of concern or encouragement.

3) Consider shifting our prayer focus from self to seeking God’s kingdom purpose, acknowledging that He is our sovereign God. 


1.  Why do you think Jesus cursed the fig tree? 

2.  What kind of fruit are you producing for Jesus? 

3.  How might you be the pleasing aroma of Christ?

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