18 April 2024 – Lessons From Saul’s Disobedience

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 18th April 2024


1 Samuel 20:1-42 and Psalm 58 (NIV)

Lessons From Saul’s Disobedience


1 Samuel 20:1-42 and Psalm 58 (NIV)

(Irene Tan, Facilitator, Precept@Wesley)


1 Samuel 20:1-42 and Psalm 58 (NIV)


David’s question to Jonathan in verse 2 “What is my sin before your father that he seeks my life?” struck me. It contrasts with what I understand about God my Father, who forgives my sins and gives me hope for eternal life. I believe Jesus paid for my sins and I am truly thankful to God.

A good lesson I learned from this passage is that King Saul, Jonathan’s father, was disobedient to God as he did not accept God’s choice of David as the next king. Out of jealousy of David’s ability and popularity, Saul wanted David killed. Moreover, Saul couldn’t accept that God had chosen David over him as the king of Israel. Perhaps Saul had the notion that Jonathan was the rightful heir to his throne. But going against God is an ungodly thing to do as He  is Sovereign over everyone and everything.

I also learned that there is no exception for God’s chosen one to be safe from persecution.  David was persecuted during the time he ran from home to hide from Saul’s men who were out looking for him to kill.  When I reflected on this, I thought of Paul and other New Testament disciples of Jesus who stayed faithful  throughout their persecutions even till they were killed for their faith.  


An important lesson in application for me is from Psalm 58, where David turned to God and asked for His punishment on those who work against him with “unrighteousness in heart” and “those who have venom of a serpent”.   He calls on God to “shatter their teeth“ and “break the fangs of the young lions”.  David’s boldness in his plea to God is a lesson that I can apply by nurturing a closer relationship with my heavenly Father that I too may dare to be authentic like David, not in asking for punishment for anyone but in expressing my sincere emotions and prayers to Him. 


Another lesson I learned from this reading is to be alerted to temptations in the form of pride or self-serving instincts like Saul, be it at the workplace or at leisure with friends, or even at home.   What I will do is ask for my Father’s help, to learn to give up thoughts and desires that tempt me to do wrong.  


Lord our God, thank You for Your grace to me that I may learn to submit to You and Your ways, learn from Your Word and stay in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.  I thank You for giving me Your Son, Jesus Christ, in whom I have hope for life everlasting. Give me opportunities to share the gospel with loved ones and anyone when the Holy Spirit prompts me. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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