17 October 2024 – Sovereign And Loving God 

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 17th October 2024


Ezekiel 24 and Psalm 2 (NIV)

Sovereign And Loving God 


Ezekiel 24 and Psalm 2 (NIV)

(Joni Ong, SGM Core Team Member)


I was surprised at how similar today’s texts are! Reading and reflecting on both texts provide me with a framework for understanding how divine judgement, human response and ultimate hope intersect in our lives. This gives a more nuanced perspective on how to navigate my personal and collective challenges. 


1. Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility

Both texts emphasize the overarching sovereignty of God and the futility of human effort to defy divine will. In Ezekiel 24, the metaphor of the boiling pot illustrates the inescapable consequences of collective rebellion and moral failure. Psalm 2, on the other hand, depicts the futility of human rebellion against God’s anointed ruler and underscores the divine authority that prevails despite human schemes.

In today’s world, where it often feels like individual and collective actions can go unnoticed or unaccounted for, these passages remind me that there is a higher, divine order at work. My personal choices and the way I engage with social issues matter. Thus, I want to act with integrity and responsibility, knowing that my actions are meaningful in the context of God’s greater plan.

2. The Role of Prophetic Voices and Truth-Telling

Ezekiel’s role as a prophet delivering a harsh message reflects the need for voices that speak truth, even when it is uncomfortable or unwelcome. Psalm 2’s portrayal of the futility of opposing divine authority also suggests that acknowledging and heeding divine truth is crucial. Both texts highlight the importance of recognizing and embracing uncomfortable truths.

In my personal and social life, this means being open to uncomfortable truths and perspectives, whether they come from within myself or from others who challenge the status quo. It encourages me to listen to voices that offer honest critiques and insights, which can lead to growth and positive change.

3. Balancing Reverence and Joy

Psalm 2 calls us to serve the Lord with both reverence and joy, while Ezekiel 24 shows the depth of personal and collective grief in the face of judgment. Together, these texts suggest a balance between recognizing the seriousness of divine judgment and maintaining a sense of hope and joy in the divine plan.

This balance is crucial in my own spiritual and emotional life. While it’s important to acknowledge and address personal and collective failures and the serious consequences they might bring, it is equally important to hold onto hope and find joy in the divine promise of redemption and renewal. I need to find ways to incorporate both solemn reflection and celebratory gratitude in my spiritual practices and daily life, ensuring that I remain grounded in both my responsibilities and my hopes.

4. Finding Refuge and Blessing Amidst Challenges

Both texts offer a promise of blessing for those who align themselves with divine will. Ezekiel 24’s imagery of judgment is ultimately a call to recognize the consequences of failing to heed divine warnings, while Psalm 2 promises blessing for those who take refuge in God.

This reminds me to seek refuge in principles and values that align with God, rather than in fleeting or superficial gains. I am encouraged to find security and fulfilment in a life lived according to my deepest values and in harmony with God’s divine guidance. I believe that this can be a source of strength during times of personal crisis, helping me to navigate challenges with a sense of purpose and hope.


I will align my actions with God’s principles, be open to difficult truths, maintain a balance of reverence and joy, and find refuge in His divine plans for me. 


Dear God, thank You for teaching me to fear You and love You at the same time. You are truly my Father with whom I want to walk closely every day. May I be a worthy child of Yours, loving everyone in my life and focusing on Your plans for me. I love You, my protector and my refuge. All glory is Yours, in Jesus’ holy name, Amen.

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