17 May 2023 – Do Not Take Lightly The Holiness Of God

Input BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 17th May 2023


Leviticus 16,17 and Psalm 88 (ESV)

Do Not Take Lightly The Holiness Of God


Leviticus 16,17 and Psalm 88 (ESV)

(Lim Bi Xiu, Children’s Ministry PTM )


As I read Leviticus 16,17 and Psalm 88, the following verses stood out:

Leviticus 16:1, 16:16, 16:34, 17:7, 17:11 and Psalm 88:9.


The instructions in Leviticus are very detailed. The Lord warned Aaron what he could and could not do as he presented the people before God and made atonement for all. This was very important, as it came after his two sons died for not respecting the holiness of God (Leviticus 10). Yet, the merciful Lord provided a way for Aaron to continue his priestly duties and the people a way to atone for sins, so that they would not perish because of uncleanliness. Leviticus 17:7 showed me that the people continued to sacrifice to idols, despite how God hated it and how He wiped out those who worshipped anything else but God! These people did not take God’s holiness seriously. 

The latter part of Leviticus 17 showed me that the blood of every creature was taken seriously by God, for it was used to make atonement for peoples’ souls and must be treated respectfully. 

Despite the above verses showing how fearfully holy God is, the Psalmist knew that he could cry out to God to pour out his woes and sorrows.  


These chapters in Leviticus may seem at first reading, just a set of very detailed instructions for Aaron. It may not seem to have anything to do with us now as we are redeemed by the death of Jesus. However, upon closer look, the details show me not to take God’s holiness lightly. Because of how God’s love has been so emphasised nowadays, many a time I find myself forgetting how holy God really is. The immense measure of His holiness can be seen in the Israelites needing to atone for their sins year after year, and to offer peace offerings by killing cattle.

God provided them steps to remind them not to sacrifice to idols, but to sacrifice to Him only. The laws were daily reminders of God’s holiness to them. 

How am I reminded of God’s holiness? As I cry out to God in times of trouble, I should remember not to take this relationship lightly, not to be demanding things from Him but to repent of my sins and be reverent towards God. 


I shall search my heart for any idols that I may have placed before God and take His holiness seriously. God has shown me what is needed to follow Him. He is just as holy now as during Moses’ time. 


Dear Father God, thank you for giving your son Jesus Christ to save us from our wretchedness. I am thankful that we do not have to remember and go through the rituals like the Israelites. I am grateful that we can now come to you through the Holy Spirit without fear that we may perish. I pray that I will not take this access to You for granted. May You reveal to me the sinfulness of my own heart and help me to fix my eyes on You.  

In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen. 

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