17 April 2022 – Seek, See & Serve

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Sunday, 17th April 2022


Matthew 28:1-10 (NIV)

Seek, See & Serve


Matthew 28:1-10 (NIV)

(Paul Gwee, Associate Lay Leader)


Matthew 28:1-10 (NIV)


There were five characters – Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the other Mary, the angel of the Lord and guards. It was dawn of the first day of the week, after Sabbath and three days after Jesus was crucified and buried in a tomb. There was an atmosphere of mourning, gloom and despair.

In the midst of this backdrop, the 2 women rose early and went to Jesus’ tomb with prepared spices (recorded in Luke and Mark). Matthew also reported the 2 women were at the tomb during the burial of Jesus until the tomb was shut. They had brought spices, not knowing that Jesus had already resurrected. You could sense a deep dedicated devotion in their hearts.

Next, we observed a contrast between two groups of people when the angel of the Lord appeared. The guards were so greatly terrified. They shook and became like dead men whilst the 2 women appeared to have overcome their own fear after being assured by the angel – “Do not be afraid”. Their deep devotion was rewarded. Told to come and see first-hand, they saw that Jesus was no longer in the tomb in which they had witnessed His burial. They were instructed to quickly “Go and Tell” the disciples of the Good News. Instead of being frozen like dead men, the 2 women hurried away filled with joy. You could sense their great joy and excitement .. they ran to the disciples.

Their dedicated devotion was further blessed with the appearance of our risen Lord Jesus. After Jesus had greeted them, they worshiped Him. Here, Jesus Himself reassured them, “Do not be afraid”. How reaffirming. This was followed with His words “Go and Tell” the disciples the Good News – He has Risen. To confirm this, Jesus added that they would see Him in Galilee.  

This was an awesome transformation of an event, from a deep sense of gloom, grief and loss at the dawn of the first Easter to an outburst of great unspeakable joy. Alleluia…Christ is Risen, indeed!


SEE for myself what The Lord Jesus wants to teach me from His Word. Not from a distance but into His very presence. Why? He will reveal Himself to me just like when He met the 2 women. Spend time to worship Him as He reveals Himself to me. Not glancing but seeing and examining the evidence. 

Having sought and seen, the next action is to SERVE. How? Having received the revelation from Him through His Word, I must Go and Tell others. Have a posture of zeal and joy in the Lord in sharing the Good News and without fear. Meditate on the assurance from JESUS in His Word….Do not be afraid. Step out in faith and let the Holy Spirit lead me.


  • Seek Jesus, first in His Word. I must pay attention and actively remove distractions in the morning. Cultivate the discipline of having Scriptures before mobile phone.
  • See Jesus in His Word. Not glance nor gloss over but see and examine the Word. 
  • Serve the Risen Lord. After meditating on His assurance of “Do not be afraid”, tell the Good News to others without fear.


Holy Spirit, empower me to have my heart’s attitude to Seek, See and Serve the Risen Saviour daily. Thank you, Abba Father, because your Son lives, I can face tomorrow.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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