16 May 2023 – Celebrating The Salvation Of The Gentiles

Input BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 16th May 2023


Leviticus 15 and Psalm 87 (NIV)

Celebrating The Salvation Of The Gentiles


Leviticus 15 and Psalm 87 (NIV)

(Lim Cheng Geok, BRD Core Team)


Psalm 87:1-7 (NIV)


It is impossible to read this Psalm without the rousing hymn “Glorious things of thee are spoken” playing in my mind. Why is Zion, a city, being so joyfully celebrated? 


  • It is established by and beloved of God (v1-3)
  • Not only is it the city of God, it is also the spiritual birthplace of Gentile peoples (such as Rahab, nickname for Egypt; Babylon; Philistia; Tyre, a Canaanite city; Cush, in southern Egypt), established by Yahweh (v4-6)
  • It is the symbolic well-spring of life and refreshment (v7)

Given that the Israelites were an ethnocentric tribe, I wondered what they would have made of this joyous Psalm celebrating the salvation of the Gentiles when the sons of Korah sang it for the first time! In due course, this vision was fleshed out and realised by the apostle Paul, who declared the Gentiles as “fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel” (Ephesians 3:6).


Will I have the same courage as the Sons of Korah, and the apostle Paul to step out of my comfort zone to share the Gospel with everyone. 

I recalled the conversation I had with MS, a taxi driver, on the way to the airport. It started when I finally plucked up the courage to ask if the large book on his dashboard was a holy book. (I noticed it as soon as I got in the car but spent half the journey thinking of excuses not to start a faith conversation.) Despite my misgivings, we had a friendly but spirited conversation about our faiths, especially when he raised the topic of the Trinity. At the airport, we wished each other well, saying we would pray for each other.

I recall the multiple times when I ignored the promptings of the Holy Spirit to start spiritual conversations with strangers, friends and loved ones, always having the ‘perfect’ excuse why I should not.

One day in Zion, the redeemed “from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages” (Revelation 7:9) will stand together before the Saviour. What a wonderfully joyous occasion that will be as we unite with brothers and sisters in worship and praise. May this image give me the courage to obey the Spirit’s promptings to “preach the word” and to “be ready in season and out of season” to “reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching” (2 Timothy 4:2).


With the Holy Spirit’s help, I will:

  • Be alive and obedient to His promptings, especially when interacting with those who have yet to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour, aiming to share God’s love, not score apologetic points
  • Strive to understand different worldviews, both secular and religious
  • Walk closely with Jesus so I know His Word and stay in sync with Him


Dear Lord and Saviour, forgive me the times I hardened my heart to your promptings. Grant me a new spirit. Remove my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh that I may care for the lost as you do. I whisper a special prayer for MS, that You reveal Yourself to him in dreams and visions so he will know You are the one true God, Father, Son, and Spirit. In your precious name, Amen.

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