16 June 2022 – Be Bold When Sharing God’s Love Story

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 16th June 2022


Acts 19:23-41 and Psalm 107:17-43 (NIV)

Be Bold When Sharing God’s Love Story


Acts 19:23-41 and Psalm 107:17-43 (NIV)

(Daniel Teh, Member, Field Development Team, Missions Committee)


Acts 19:23-41 and Psalm 107:17-43 (NIV)


The riot in Ephesus (Acts 19:23-41) is an important story in the developing plot-line of Acts. We are told that the silversmiths feared the rise of Christianity in Ephesus. Paul’s companions were arrested, and a city official calmed the crowd. 

The main reason for the riot in Ephesus was that Christianity had made such an impact on the culture and religious belief of the people that some members began to “fight back.” At the end of this attack, the city official concluded that Paul’s preaching and action was not sacrilegious or punishable by the Roman law. It seemed to be a major theme in Acts that Christianity faced opposition and resistance when preached in a pagan culture (Acts 16:19, Acts 17:32). The author Luke wanted to inform us that Christians did not break the law by sharing the Gospel.

Christianity faced great challenges with the pagan cult during the ancient times, as it was perceived to be a serious threat to their culture, belief and economy. We still face the same challenges today when sharing the good news to those belonging to the sphere of “unfriendly culture and religious belief”.


The action of Paul and his companions has encouraged me to share the Gospel whenever the opportunity arises. Sharing the Gospel is not something that I should be fearful of, despite possible resistance and opposition. If I provoke anyone by speaking God’s Word, I know that He will protect me, as He had protected the Christians in Ephesus. We are reminded of His goodness and assurance that He will not forsake us (Psalm 107:17-43).


I believe that as Christians, we are called to share the Gospel gently and lovingly (Colossians 4:5-6). After sharing the Gospel, the response is up to the hearer. My role is to be His messenger and reach out to those who have yet to hear the Gospel (Matthew 28:16-20). It is God who will convict the hearts and minds of the people through His Holy Spirit.


Dear Father, teach me to be bold and courageous when sharing your love story. Whether it is to someone I know or even a stranger, I pray that you will give me the wisdom and strength to bring the message of your love across to them. Thank you for hearing my prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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