16 July 2022 – Nothing Can Separate Me From God’s Love

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 16th July 2022


Romans 8:18-39 and Psalm 135 (NIV)

Nothing Can Separate Me From God’s Love


Romans 8:18-39 and Psalm 135 (NIV)

(Chan Wai Lup, Steward, LCEC)


Romans 8:18-39 (NIV)


This passage can be observed in 3 segments:

  1. Romans 8:18-25 tells us that our present suffering cannot be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us. We have real hope for the full redemption of our bodies because we have the Holy Spirit within us as a guarantee of our sonship. This hope enables us to wait patiently despite our suffering.
  2. Romans 8:26-30 tells us that while we wait in hope, we can be assured that the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness by interceding for us in accordance to God’s will. And it is God’s will to work all things for good in conforming us to the image of Christ.
  3. Romans 8:31-39 tells us that no matter what hardship we go through in life, we can be more than conquerors in each circumstance because nothing can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ. Now the resurrected Christ intercedes for us at the right hand of God.


We live in a fallen world that is subjected to futility and corruption by sin. Hence, suffering is inevitable. Hardship may include war, famine, illnesses, poverty and persecution. We see all these around us and many feel so trapped. Yet, as Christians, we have hope despite our suffering because Jesus has redeemed us from ultimate destruction into ultimate glory. This hope is real because the Holy Spirit within us testifies that our bodies will one day be made perfect, like Jesus’. This hope gives us true freedom to live our lives well in this fallen world.

But why do we have to wait so long? Because the glory we hope for is found in the likeness of Christ.  For us to be conformed into Christ’s likeness is a process, which will inevitably include hardship. When God’s sanctifying work in us is complete, Christ’s glory will be revealed “in us”! We have to be patient in our waiting. When we feel weak, we remember that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are interceding for us. We also remember that God’s love for us ensures that we can be victorious over our circumstances. Being conquerors does not always mean that our hardship will go away, but it will mean that we can experience comfort, peace and even joy in the midst of our troubles. These too come through the love of God. 


Shortly after I was asked to write my reflections for this passage, I discovered that I have a tumour that needs to be removed soon. This will be my third surgery in less than 2 years. This familiar Scriptural passage becomes real for me all over again. Although I have real hope in a future glorious body, I know I will have my weak moments. Therefore, I will keep praying in the Spirit and allow Him to minister to my spirit. I will not focus on my fears, but I will focus on the goodness of God and His promises. Although I know that God loves me and everything will work out for good eventually, I need more than just know God’s love, I need to experience God’s love. Therefore, I will keep asking God to fill my heart with His love that I may feel it tangibly.  


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the hope that you have given me in Jesus. Thank you for your great love for me. In my moments of weakness, give me sufficient grace to see me through. In my moments of anxiety and fear, shower my heart with your great love. As I surrender my temporal earthly body to you, may you cause my faith to arise, with an increasing conviction that my eternal heavenly body will be glorious, like Jesus Himself. Despite my circumstances, may I experience your strength, comfort, peace and joy. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!   

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