15 May 2023 – A Humble, Confident Plea To A Faithful God

Input BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Monday, 15th May 2023


Leviticus 13,14 and Psalm 86 (NIV)

A Humble, Confident Plea To A Faithful God


Leviticus 13,14 and Psalm 86 (NIV)

(Ng Boon Thian, Mandarin Ministry)


Psalm 86:7 When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me. 

Psalm 86:11 Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.

Psalm 86: 13 For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths, from the realm of the dead.


Reading Psalm 86, I cannot help but sense David’s fear and desperation, as he cried out to God “all day long”, that he was “in distress” and sought God’s protection (1-7). 

Yet through it all, he was humble and reverent, even beseeching God to teach him and to give him an undivided heart, that he might fear God’s name and glorify Him (8-12). Even at his lowest depth, he continued to trust God, as he remembered God’s great love, and how He helped and comforted him before (13-17).


We may not be running for our lives like David, but none of us are immune to the vicissitudes of life because our health, job, family, and environment are in a state of flux. There is thus no shame in making heartfelt and fervent pleas to God, who is the only real Constant in our lives. 

We sometimes question God’s love and complain against Him when we encounter turmoil in our lives. However, David’s understanding of God’s character, His love, and faithfulness, sustained and enabled him to pray with confidence, even in a prolonged, and ongoing crisis. 

David’s humility and reverence is exemplary. We, for the most part, are more interested in receiving help and guidance, than learning from God or loving and glorifying God. 

Praising God in tough situations is strange and unnatural, but it helps us to focus on God’s goodness, provision, forgiveness, mercy, which gives us great peace, hope, joy, and reconciliation.


The Psalm reminds me to constantly come before God in humility, dive deeper into His Word, and not to cease worshipping and praising him, or do so half-heartedly.

Faced with adversity, I must hold on to His unfailing promises. I must not be easily caught up in my struggles and forget the infinite power of God. “Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.” (Isaiah 59:1)

Even though I may not fully discern God’s hand now, I can and will approach Him boldly, for I know who my God is. He has the best intentions for me. I remember how He has delivered me before and the miracles I have witnessed. 


Heavenly Father, like David, we pray for a united heart, that our thoughts, words, and deeds may be aligned. We trust that you will always move in our lives, in your inimitable way and perfect timing. We are truly grateful that we never walk alone, for You are our mighty rock and fortress in trying times. You hear the cries of those who are Your own. You care deeply for us. You alone are God, and Sovereign, and we “have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (Hebrews 6:19). Thank You and praise You. We pray all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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