15 March 2024 – Shut Out The Noise Of The World

LENT 2024 | DAY 27 | Friday, 15th March 2024


Mark 10:46-52 (NIV)

Shut Out The Noise Of The World

LENT 2024 | DAY 27

Mark 10:46-52 (NIV)

(Tony Tng, Steward, Local Church Executive Committee)

On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus and His disciples, together with a large crowd, came to Jericho. Sitting by the street leading out of Jericho was blind Bartimaeus begging. Amidst the noise, Bartimaeus heard that the miracle healer, Jesus, was there. The crowd was excited, perhaps even a little chaotic, as they eagerly wanted to catch a glimpse of this miracle worker and Rabbi they had heard so much about. Casting aside the distracting noise, Bartimaeus called out to Jesus as he was in desperate need of Jesus’ healing touch. Persevering and staying focused, Bartimaeus wasn’t going to let the noise distract or drown out his repeated cry. At last, Jesus heard and healed him, not just physically but spiritually too. Bartimaeus thus had an amazing story to tell others as he followed Jesus. 

More than a decade ago, I too was afflicted with an illness that required major surgery. There were many noises from well-meaning friends that distracted me from reaching out to Jesus. Fortunately, I had very supportive family members and small group members who gathered to pray with me. They helped me to stay focused and seek Jesus first. Yes, I did have surgery but the time leading up to it was peaceful because I knew that God would reach out to me as I had reached out to Him. God healed me physically and I drew closer to Him.

The world is a very noisy place. More than the noise made by people, vehicles and machines, it is the noise of materialism and worldly pleasures that could distract me from leading a life that is pleasing to our Lord. When my attention is directed towards such ills, Jesus can so easily be sidelined. I must persevere in my discipleship journey despite all the temptations of the world and stay focused on my end goals that nothing matters more than my salvation.

I will always remember to shut out the noise of the world and focus on reaching out to Jesus through my daily spiritual disciplines and rule of life. This is part of my discipleship journey.


1.  What are the noises in the world that you would like to shut out?

2.  What would you do to reach out to Jesus amidst the noise in the world?

3.  Jesus asked Bartimaeus, “What do you want me to do for you?” (verse 51). 

Is there anything you would like Jesus to do for you? Say a prayer to Him.

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