15 June 2022 – The Road Continues In Asia

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 15th June 2022


Acts 19:1-22 and Psalm 107:1-16 (NIV)

The Road Continues In Asia


Acts 19:1-22 and Psalm 107:1-16 (NIV)

(Ong Kah Hong, Member, Field Development Team, Missions Committee)


Acts 19:1-22 (NIV)


Paul’s missionary journey to reach the Gentiles continues, as he heads to Ephesus, the capital and leading business centre of the Roman province in Asia Minor (part of present-day Turkey).

He learnt that the disciples had received John’s baptism – “a baptism of repentance” (verse 4) — and had not received the Holy Spirit.

The disciples listened to Paul and believed him, and were “baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus” (verse 5). The Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied (verse 6), which was similar to what happened during Pentecost.

Paul then continued to speak in the synagogue and “argued persuasively about the kingdom of God” (verse 8). He faced opposition when some of the Jews “refused to believe and publicly maligned the Way” (verse 9), so he left them after three months. Instead, he had daily discussions in the lecture hall of Tyrannus for two years, such that “all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord” (verse 10).

The remaining verses tell of the miracles occurring in Ephesus, as evil spirits and demons were cast out in the name of the Lord Jesus, such that “the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honour” (verse 17). Hence the word of the Lord spread even more through Asia, and more people came to believe in the Lord.

After that, Paul moved on to Jerusalem, passing through Macedonia and Achaia to reinforce the churches that were planted there.


The Great Commission

Paul’s example of living out the Great Commission inspires me. This is especially true as international borders are opening up, and there are opportunities to serve God in the region, to bring God’s word to those who have not heard it. I’m excited to connect with our mission partners in the field, after our Year of Sabbath Rest (YOSR) to recharge and grow deeper in discipleship with Christ.


During Missions Awareness month, I’d like to plug in and keep up to date with our church’s involvement in Missions and upcoming trips.

Devotion: Paul was devoted in sharing the kingdom of God with the Jews and Greeks in Ephesus/Asia Minor and brought many people to Christ.

In my walk with God, my devotion can be shown through acts of service and ministering to the last, the least, and the lost with God’s love.

Drive: Paul faced opposition from the Jews in Ephesus when they refused to believe in Christ. Despite this, his drive to share the word of God caused it to spread widely, and all the Jews and Greeks heard it.

Personally, I am driven to share about Christ with others as I have experienced the power of his redemptive grace and want others to experience it.

Destination: Eventually, Paul decides to return to Jerusalem, his home, after his missionary journeys.

The destination that I look forward to is with Christ in His temple and courts. Until that day comes, I shall aspire to be an intentional disciple who follows and grows in Christ.


Dear Lord, thank you for calling us your disciples, your children, and making us part of your kingdom. Help us to be faithful in living out the Great Commission and to be ready to share your story with those around us, especially our friends, family, and relatives.

Let those who listen to your words of invitation be receptive to you, even as you knock on the doors of their hearts, that they may respond favourably.

I want to end off with Psalm 107, by proclaiming: “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, his love endures forever.”

Keep us in your love and grace as we journey through the rest of this week. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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