14 November 2024 – Stand Firm In Our Faith

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 14th November 2024


Daniel 11 and Psalm 29 (NIV)

Stand Firm In Our Faith


Daniel 11 and Psalm 29 (NIV)

(Gerhardine Foo, PTM, SGM)


Daniel 11: 32-35 (NIV)


The entire chapter of Daniel 11 is about a whole timeline of prophecies given to Daniel by an angel and the fulfilment of the prophecies have been dated to be roughly, I believe, between 530-150 BC. The prophecies are mostly about different kings and rulers who will rise up to fight to rule and cause many war and suffering for God’s people. 

Verse 21 onwards describes a Greek king (believed to be Antiochus IV Epiphanes) who targeted God’s people and attempted to Hellenise them by rewarding them for turning away from their faith, desecrating the Temple and persecuting those who remain faithful. 

However, in verse 32 we see that “the people  who know their God will firmly resist him”. Verse 33 continues to describe that “those who are wise will persist in faithful instruction of God’s ways” although many of them were persecuted. However, there is some encouragement for those persecuted in verse 35 in that they “are being  ‘refined, purified and made spotless” in the eyes of God. 

As  Psalm 29 also says, God is king over everything, be it times of peace or the flood and we must worship Him and ascribe to Him glory at all times. 


The response of the wise is an example for me to follow if I am ever persecuted for my faith or placed in a position where I feel I have to compromise on my faith. In this day and age, it will likely be to resist conforming to the pattern of this world (Romans 12:2) and to continue to be a witness of the gospel whether through my lived out actions or through active teaching. There might not be any reward on earth for me to be faithful to God despite opposition, but by giving glory to God and worshipping  Him amidst such trials, I know I am being sanctified in the eyes of God. 


I will resist the pressures to conform to the patterns of the world by standing firm in my Christian beliefs. 

I will persist in the witnessing of the gospel whether through my actions or words.

I will worship and give glory to God in both good times and bad. 


Father God, I thank You for the faithful saints who have gone before me. Help me to be like them who knew their God  and were able to be steadfast and courageous despite trying times. Help me to resist any form of evil or temptation and to always keep my eyes on You. Amen

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