14 November 2023 – Cry To The Lord And He Will Rescue You

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 14th November 2023


Amos 8 and Psalm 107:17-43 (NIV)

Cry To The Lord And He Will Rescue You


Amos 8 and Psalm 107:17-43 (NIV)

(Mrs Aw Meng Yin, BRD Team, BeTweens Curriculum Team)


As I read both Amos 8 and Ps 107:17-43 (NIV), these verses caught my attention:

Ps 107

19 Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
    and he saved them from their distress.

21 Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love
    and his wonderful deeds for mankind.

43 Let the one who is wise heed these things
    and ponder the loving deeds of the Lord.


In Ps 107:17-43, I read of how some people sinned against God and suffered the consequences of their sins. God need not have shown mercy. Yet, when they cried out to the Lord, he saved them and delivered them. They are then told to give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and wonderful deeds.

The passage also reminded me that my God is an all-powerful God who controls the waves and the winds. Yet he hears the cries of his people, mere mortals, and helps them out of their distress. 

I also read that God can turn rivers into a desert and a desert into pools of water. He is the Creator of all things, and he is capable of all things. My life is in his hands for he can make me decrease, be humbled by oppression, calamity and sorrow as well as lift me out of my affliction and increase my family like flocks. 

Hence, I should be wise and ponder the loving deeds of the Lord. 


No matter how I may have sinned against God, when I return to him in repentance and cry out to him, he will hear and reach out to help me even though I do not deserve it. God can do abundantly more than I can ever imagine in rescuing me, but I should never forget his goodness, his love for me and remember to thank him. 

Whenever I feel that the world is spinning out of control, when I am tossed about in a storm, I need to remember that God is always in full control. He can still the storm and deliver me because he is our all-powerful God. Whatever the circumstances may be, I need to remember to trust that if I walk in his way, and am not wicked, he will surely show me his loving deeds. 


I will pray without ceasing whenever faced with a crisis for God hears the cries of his people and will rescue me. 

I will thank him in all circumstances, trusting that whatever happens, he, my all-powerful God, has allowed it.


Father, forgive me for the times I have rebelled against you, for the times I have been unworthy of your love. Yet, I know that like a loving father, you hear me each time I call out to you for help. Thank you, Father, for always coming to my aid. Teach me to trust you more and more each day. Teach me to trust that You know my every need and will always be there for me, no matter what happens.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. 

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