14 May 2022 – A Perfect Ending

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 14th May 2022


Ruth 4:13-22 and Psalm 79 (NIV)

A Perfect Ending


Ruth 4:13-22 and Psalm 79 (NIV)

(Angela Goh, Member of Nominations Committee, Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS))


Ruth 4:13-22; Psalm 79:5;13 (NIV)


And they lived happily ever after! The book of Ruth concludes with the classic ending of a fairy tale. The pain and anxieties faced by Naomi and Ruth are past memories. Like a prince on a white horse, Boaz rescued Ruth. The poor widow is saved from a life of uncertainty and being looked down upon as a foreigner. Naomi, whose bitter life had caused her to lament upon her return to her homeland, has now become a grandmother. Her daughter-in-law was lauded as “better than seven sons”! There is yet another surprise in store at the end of this book. The son born to Ruth and Boaz is revealed to be the grandfather of King David and hence, the ancestor of David’s greater Son, our Lord Jesus. None of this was a coincidence. It was all part of God’s amazing plan of redemption.


The wonderful ending in Ruth came about as all the characters in the book played their part to fulfil God’s plan. Facing enormous challenges, both Naomi and Ruth may have cried out like the psalmist: “How long, Lord?” (Psalm 79:5). Yet, Ruth tenaciously clung on to her faith. Facing trials of coming to a foreign land and in great poverty, she believed that the God of Israel would provide and see her through.

Naomi guided and counselled her daughter-in-law, modelling a faith that Ruth, a new believer, would follow after. Boaz showed compassion, love and mercy to the widow whom he would eventually redeem. Likewise, regardless of what stage we are at in our Christian journey, each of us has a part to fulfil in God’s plan. I need to wait patiently for the Lord in a posture of trust and hope. With confidence, may we individually and corporately sing out: “from generation to generation, we will proclaim your praise” (Psalm 79:13).


God has shown me the need to:

  1. Hold on to faith regardless of circumstances,
  2. Be an example to younger believers in showing trust and hope in God,
  3. Show love and compassion to the least and the lost.  


Lord Jesus, help me in my journey towards our heavenly Home to keep my eyes focused on You. Thank You for Your perfect plan for each of us. May I be obedient to Your call to reach out to others, showing love and compassion just as You have shown to me. In Your precious name, Amen.

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