14 March 2023 – Windows To Our Hearts And Soul

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 14th March 2023


 Matthew 6:22-23 (NIV)

Windows To Our Hearts And Soul

LENT 2023 | DAY 18

 Matthew 6:22-23 (NIV)

(Alvena Khoo, Pastoral Team Member, Discipleship & Nurture)


 Matthew 6:22-23 (NIV)


There is a Chinese saying: “眼睛是心灵之窗,灵魂之窗” (our eyes are the windows to our hearts and souls). Matthew 6:22-23 reminds us that having “good” eyes is key to our inner being. We see people and situations through our eyes, they guide the way we feel and perceive things. What goes through our eyes can either benefit or corrupt our souls. They will always have an impact on our entire being, just like light filling up a dark room. 

Before I knew God, I had given in to seeing ungodly content and materials out of  curiosity, bad judgement, temptation, peer pressure, and sometimes out of the fear of missing out. What is seen can never be unseen. What is seen doesn’t stay on the surface, they creep in and stay in my mind. This is especially so if the content or images are gruesome, unwholesome and violent. What follows are feelings such as fear and anger or thoughts that are disturbing, sinful, and lustful. The impact on our feelings and thoughts is real. At times, it can silently creep into our inner being and take root. 

I recall watching a horror movie and it haunted me for decades. The assurance from 1 John 4:4 and reciting it helped me conquer this fear. Unwholesome content on the web or story books have also corrupted my values and expectations of what a godly relationship should be like. 

My eyes are the entrance to my heart and soul. I should always guard them by guarding my eyes. Proverbs 4:23 also cautions us to guard our heart, for it is the wellspring of life. In situations when I am exposed to ungodly content, my response should be to flee rather than to fight. Pursuing holiness should be my ultimate goal.


1. We live in a world where we are easily exposed to ungodly content in Youtube, movies and social media. In fact, they are everywhere. What are some of your struggles with the ungodly content that you are exposed to?  

2. Let’s brainstorm! What are some practical ways we can guard our eyes from them?

3. How can we as a family or church family support one another towards holiness? Withhold giving advice and judging, but in the love of Christ, pray for one another.

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