14 June 2023 – Praise The Lord

Input BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 14th June 2023


Numbers 30, 31 and Psalm 113 (NIV)

– Praise The Lord


Numbers 30, 31 and Psalm 113 (NIV)

(Philip Oh, PPRC Chairperson)


Psalm 113, short 9 verse Psalm.  “Praise The Lord” is found at the beginning and the end of the Psalm and another four times in between!


Written in three segments, the first (v 1-3) opens as we read the exhortation to “Praise the Lord” five times.  It reminds me that I should praise our Lord now and forevermore.  On the same theme, it tells us to praise God from the rising of the sun to its setting. 

The second segment (v 4-6) reminds me that our Lord is exalted over all nations.  Not just Christian nations, but all nations. Although He is enthroned high above all nations, (not just countries with majority Christians) He will still stoop down to look on the heavens and earth!  I observe that God is above the heavens!

He does this (v 7-9) in the third segment, because of His love and care for the poor and the needy.  He seats them with princes!


This Psalm reminds me to praise our Lord all the time!  From the time I get up to the time I go to sleep.  In other words – all day every day, during all my conscious hours!  This is a good reminder that I should not only praise God when I am happy, or when I find myself in a good situation.  I am also to praise God when I am in bad or challenging situations. When I manage to do this, I find my perspective changes – as it is better to focus on God’s character, rather than the bad or challenging situation I find myself in.

If our Lord, who deserves to be praised by all mankind and who sits enthroned on high (v 4 & 5) chooses to “lift” the poor and needy; then who am I not to do likewise!  So, I too must be willing to care for the poor and needy that I come across, rather than walk on the other side of the road.


I will continue to praise God each and every day;

In good situations and particularly in the not so good situations that I find myself in.

I will tell of God’s goodness afforded to me and my family, in all situations.

I will try to be God’s instrument of love and care: to “raise the poor from the dust” and to “lift the needy from the ash heap.”


Praise the Lord!

You are indeed worthy to be praised! Hallelujah!

Thank you for giving us Psalm 113 to remind us to do so constantly and without ceasing!

Grant us the privilege of being your instruments of love and care to the persons that you cause to cross our paths.

I ask this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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