14 June 2022 – Partnership In The Gospel

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 14th June 2022


Acts 18 and Psalm 106:24-48 (NIV)

Partnership In The Gospel


Acts 18 and Psalm 106:24-48 (NIV)

(Jonathan Huang, Deputy Head of Administration)


Acts 18:10 – “For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.”


Acts 18 recounts Paul’s time in Corinth, where he built a strong and lasting relationship with the believers, and we are introduced to key persons that God provided to Paul. Many would become key partners in Paul’s ministry of the Gospel. 

Just to name a few – Aquila and Priscilla would help Paul during this time in the region (Acts 18:2, 18, 26) and were mentioned later in the Book of Romans and 2 Timothy. Apollos would become an influential teacher in the Corinthian church. Paul called him a “co-worker” for God (1 Cor 3). In fact, Apollos was welcomed and taught by Aquila and Priscilla in Ephesus, and they contributed to the work of building the church in Corinth and the region together. 

We also see that he received help even from those outside the faith, as Gallio would protect Paul from harm from Paul’s own former community, the Jews. All this help was in fact promised to Paul by God and Paul was encouraged to stay on in Corinth for one and half years (Acts 18:10-11).


The good news of the Gospel includes the fact that we don’t have to preach it alone. The power of partnership in the Gospel is testified to again and again in Acts. Paul received help many times, which he was always happy to mention in his many epistles, and together their ministry birthed the early church. 

My encouragement as a full-time worker in church is that Jesus commissioned us (as individuals) to be part of a lasting community, the church, whom He calls to work together in service to God. For church workers, this partnership comes in many forms – with fellow colleagues, dedicated leaders and volunteers, and kind church members who continually encourage and care for us. 

I am reminded that in return, I am meant to help others in their ministry of the Gospel, bringing the light of Christ to the world together as the church. 


I am reminded to never give up a chance to help a fellow believer in their ministry if God should bring them into my life. While my contribution may seem small or insignificant, such as merely planting a seed, or just watering it, God can make it grow when He pairs it together with the efforts of others, each of us building on the ministry that has come before us (1 Cor 3). 

I am also reminded in return to be thankful to those who have helped me and continue to support my ministry – may God bless all those who have extended to me a helping hand in ministry and life!


Dear Lord, we thank You that You have called us to preach the Gospel and have given us each other to help in this work. Help us to extend support and partnership to those that You bring into our lives, and we give thanks to You for those who have helped us along the way. In all things, may You direct all our efforts to bring the whole world to You. For Your Glory, amen and amen!

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