13 September 2024 – When My Heart Trembles At Your Word

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Friday, 13th September 2024


Job 20 and Psalm 119:161-168 (NIV)

When My Heart Trembles At Your Word


Job 20 and Psalm 119:161-168 (NIV)

(Giam Lay Hoon, Disciple Facilitator)


Psalm 119:161-168 (NIV)


King David writes about :

  1. Reverence for God’s word (v 161)
  2. Delighting in God’s promises (v162)
  3. Praising God with our whole heart (v164)
  4. Loving God’s Laws, and finding peace in following them (v 165)
  5. Memorising and meditating on God’s word (v 167)
  6. Obeying and praising God (v168)


As a Worship Leader, Choir member, praise team member, and floral worship member in church, God always reminds me that God must abide in me before He can be revealed through me. His power is revealed when I treat Scripture with reverence.  

I find joy in serving and leading others as a worship leader. I recalled an incident at the Glowing Years Ministry where God’s presence so filled the premises that many of our praise team members were moved to tears. A lady who was wheelchair-bound and usually non-verbal, even started singing, “You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains, You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas….You raise me up, to more than I can be…”.”


I shall continue to seek God’s guidance daily, in the offering of “my mite”. The Lord’s precepts are dear to me. They are my delight. I would like for others to see this and thus God through me.


Dear Lord, I thank you for the gift of salvation through your Son, Jesus Christ. 
Thank You for the privilege of worshiping  You in every way  I can,  every day of  my life.  
Grant to me  Your amazing and transformative grace so that with every breath that I have I may praise You because, 
“From The rising of the sun,
To the going down of the same
The Lord’s Name is to be praised!”

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