13 October 2022 – Stewarding Gifts Of The One And Same Spirit

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 13th October 2022


1 Corinthians 12 and Psalm 74 (NIV)

Stewarding Gifts Of The One And Same Spirit


1 Corinthians 12 and Psalm 74 (NIV)

(Robin Viva Thevathasan, Chairperson, Worship & Music)


1 Corinthians 12 and Psalm 74 (NIV)


Paul draws an analogy between the function and role of each different part of the body and that of the different parts of the body of Christ – the Church.

The Ministry of Worship and Music is a microcosm of this. We are made up of a large group of worship servants, blessed with a vast range of widely differing Gifts of the Spirit: from arranging the altar flowers, to diplomatically ushering worshippers to their seats at each service; from playing the piano, organ and many other musical instruments, to singing the various different parts of hymns and songs; from the AV crew and directors adjusting and blending these disparate pieces together, to the worship leaders who lead our services. 


The end result or application of this should be sweet fragrant worship to our Father God and for the benefit of His entire Church.

BUT…If we are not mindful, we can and will fall into the human frailty of regarding some as more important or more worthy than others. This has led to countless problems, arguments – even the break-up of groups – and so on.

One important principle, which the Corinthian Christians disregarded, was that gifts are for the edification of the whole Body of Christ and for the glory of God. They are not given for selfish reasons, but to equip God’s people for their work of service and to build up Christ’s body. The gifts and graces we receive from the Spirit should function together, for the common good of all God’s people, and not for the self-gratification of an individual, as was taking place in the Church at Corinth (and if we are not mindful, here too).


Spiritual gifts are sovereignly bestowed, to enable me to carry out the good work God has prepared for me to do. We all receive a spiritual gift, or gifts, but I cannot choose my preferred spiritual gifts, from a heavenly catalogue of options. Paul teaches that it is the same Holy Spirit who works all these things together, who distributes to each one individually just as He wills. It is not my place to ask for a spiritual gift but to discover the gifts He has given me.

In addition to always remembering from whom these come from, I must also remember that the gift is to be exercised for the benefit of the Church/Body of Christ and ultimately for the glory of the One God.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gifts of the Spirit and graces that You have graciously bestowed on me. Thank You that I am a member of the Body of Christ. Help me grow in grace and in knowledge of Jesus and be enabled to provide edification for others, as well as being edified by them. Thank You that I am not meant to live in spiritual isolation from other believers, but am part of a collective Body, that is being built up into the Temple of God. Enable me to exercise the spiritual gifts with which I have been endowed, for the greater benefit of the wider Body of Christ. This I ask in Jesus’ name, AMEN.

Source: https://dailyverse.knowing-jesus.com/1-corinthians-12-31

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