13 June 2023 – God’s Commandments

Input BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 13th June 2023


Numbers 28, 29 and Psalm 112 (NIV)

– God’s Commandments


Numbers 28, 29 and Psalm 112 (NIV)

(Hoo Feng Wen, APCZL of Zone 4)


As I read Numbers 28, 29, there was a phrase that was repeated throughout the two chapters: 

“You shall not do any ordinary work, but offer a burnt offering, with a pleasing aroma to the Lord”

And from Psalm 112 the verses that stood out to me are:

“Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, 

who greatly delights in his commandments!” (v1)

“He is not afraid of bad news;

his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord” (v7)


In Numbers, we see God instructing Moses to command his people in preparing specific food offerings at specific timings. These are required to atone for their sins and to please God. As I was reading through it, I was overwhelmed with how specific the instructions are and the amount of animal sacrifices required of God’s people. This puts into perspective the greatness of what Christ accomplished on the cross, that he was the perfect sacrifice and atonement for the sins of the world.

Another thing to note was that Israel was about to enter the Promised Land and they were reminded about the  sacrificial laws given earlier while they were in the wilderness. Moses had also named his successor, Joshua, in the previous chapter. Reminding the people about their offerings was  necessary to maintain peace with God and for God to lead them through Joshua.


Sometimes, it is easy to take God’s commandments lightly or get desensitised when the same instructions are repeated over and again. In the workplace, I find myself in a season of striving to seek the approval of man, doing whatever I can to secure certain projects or work towards a favourable appraisal compared to my colleagues. When placed in a situation of stress and surrounded by temptations, it is very easy to forget that the only person I should seek to please and be accountable to is God. 

At this time, I seek a heart transformed, one that desires to please God and find joy in carrying out his commandments. I have been bought by Christ and my sins atoned through Him. My whole life is a living sacrifice used to please God. I cast aside my need for praise from man or ambitions to achieve my desired outcomes in the workplace. I will follow the Psalmist’s example, so that my heart is firm, and I trust God to lead me.


I know my flawed and sinful heart will still be tempted by things of the world and I may not be perfect in my desire to please God with my life. But I know that if I continue to read God’s Word daily, have brothers and sisters in Christ to be accountable to and rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance, I will grow a heart that finds joy in keeping God’s commandments.


Dear God, I thank you for  Christ, the supreme offering that enabled the forgiveness of our sins. Today I pray that you forgive me for the times when I ignore your commandments and choose not to please you. Help me God, grant me your guidance and wisdom, and grow in my heart the desire to please you. Lead me all my days, for you are the loving and almighty Father.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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