13 August 2022 – The Psalmist And The Prophet

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 13th August 2022


Jeremiah 10 and Psalm 13 (NIV)

The Psalmist And The Prophet


Jeremiah 10 and Psalm 13 (NIV)

(Wee Yeun Ling, Zone 7 Leader, Small Group Ministry)


Psalm 13 and Jeremiah 10 (NIV)


The psalmist in Psalm 13 (NASB), after expressing his great distress to God, ends his psalm in verses 5-6 with a positive declaration: 

“But I have trusted in Thy lovingkindness; My heart shall rejoice in Thy salvation. I will sing to the Lord, Because He has dealt bountifully with me.”

The prophet in Jeremiah 10 (NASB) urges believers not to fear the idolatry that surrounds them. He declares in verse 6: 

“There is none like thee, O LORD;  Thou art great, and great is Thy name in might.”

In verse 10a, He proclaims that 

“…the Lord is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King.”

The psalmist and the prophet describe God’s attributes in different ways in their time of trouble, distress, and fear. The psalmist turns to the loving God, his Saviour, and his Provider. The prophet stands on God’s ultimate Sovereignty as the Creator and True King over the world. 


Both the psalmist and the prophet remind me of God’s loving goodness and His undisputed kingship. A loving God without true power may be futile in my time of need, while a powerful King without love would cause me to live a life cowering in fear. 

By remembering God in the fullness of His character, I can have confidence in His love and in His sovereignty. He, my loving God, is in control over all things. Therefore, why should I have worries? I must also obey God and His will, trusting that His plans for me are in love. 


In my time of trouble, distress, or fear, I can: 

  • Trust in God’s lovingkindness – God has shown His great love through Jesus Christ His son, who He gave to the world, that “whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life”. (John 3:16 NASB).
  • Rejoice in God’s salvation – Jesus Christ has died for my sins and I am saved through him (John 3:17 NASB).
  • Sing to the Lord for his abundant providence to me – Passionately express how God has been faithful to me.
  • Declare His lordship – Humbly submit to God’s ways and His will for my life. 


Lord, I praise and thank You for the words of the psalmist and the prophet. They speak of Your wonderful love, salvation, and providence. They remind me that You are the true and living God, the everlasting King. There is none like You. Help me to remember these words in times of trouble, distress, or fear. Like the psalmist, I can sing to You a song of Your faithfulness to me. In Jesus’ most precious name, Amen! 

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