12 October 2024 – A New Heart And A New Spirit   

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 12th October 2024


Ezekiel 18 and Psalm 147 (NIV)

A New Heart And A New Spirit


Ezekiel 18 and Psalm 147 (NIV)

(Wendy Chiam, SGM Zone Core Rep)


Ezekiel 18 (NIV)

The verses that stood out to me were:

22 “All his transgressions which he has committed will not be remembered against him, because of his righteousness which he has practiced, he will live.”

31 “Cast away from you all your transgressions which you have committed and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit! For why will you die, O house of Israel?”


Clearly, a person is not held accountable for the sins of his father, but he is accountable for his own sins. While God is love and makes it clear that He takes no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies, God is also just; as such, He must enforce justice.

I am also reminded that a righteous person can turn to wickedness.  On the contrary, a wicked person can also turn to righteousness. Therefore, one’s past does not determine the future.

Another important element is repentance.  Often, we assume that repentance is just about feeling regretful and making apologies.  With this misguided perception, we often return to sin again and again.  Rather, repentance is a transformation of turning from transgressions and getting a new heart and a new spirit.


I feel comforted to know that those of us who may have grown up in ungodly families need not be victims of our circumstances.  We are empowered to choose not to follow in  ungodly footsteps but to follow the way of the Lord.

Even when I have sinned in the past, I know that I am not condemned when I acknowledge my sins and repent, for God is gracious and merciful. 

Nevertheless, I am reminded that I must not take His grace for granted, and I can strive to stay righteous with the help of the Holy Spirit.

I’m inspired by Pastor Raymond Fong’s sermon on Nehemiah 8 (https://tidings.wesleymc.org/sermon-reflection/renewed-through-the-word-pp/) in which he reminded us that we cannot comprehend the extent of God’s grace when we cannot comprehend the extent of our sins.  Therefore, as a child of God, with a new heart and a new spirit, I must be vigilant of my actions and be alert to the Holy Spirit’s prompting to stay righteous. 


I need to be obedient in reading the Bible and allow the Word to live through me.  Humanly, obedience does not come easily as we tend to be rebellious, but I will claim the promise that God gives me grace to obey Him.


Merciful Father, thank You for Your patience when I am wilful and act in ways that do not honour You.  Help me to be genuine in repentance; help me lead a newly transformed life that is righteous in Your sight and honour You.  Help me to stay close to You and give me the grace to obey You in all that I do.  In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

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