12 June 2024 – His Righteousness Will Prevail

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 12th June 2024


2 Kings 6:1-33; 7:1-20 and Psalm 97 (NIV)

His Righteousness Will Prevail


2 Kings 6:1-33; 7:1-20 and Psalm 97 (NIV)

(Hoo Feng Wen, SGM Core Team Member)


Psalm 97 (ESV)


The Psalmist makes a declaration of how mighty God is. He describes how nothing compares to God’s power (v4-5, 9). He praises God forHis righteousness and justice (v2, 6, 8, 11-12) and for how God is mighty to defeat his enemies (v3), puts idolators to shame (v7) and delivers his people from the wicked (v10).


I am in a season of frustration and unhappiness with my current vocation. There are times when I feel misunderstood and wronged, and my hard work goes unseen or discredited. Meanwhile there are colleagues who receive much praise with less effort, and this causes me to feel a lot of resentment towards them.

Psalm 97 gives me comfort and assurance in my season of struggle. My resentful feelings come from a place of seeking praise and approval from man. Today’s passage reminds me not to chase after worldly praise that is fleeting and incomparable to God’s glory but to set my eyes on our mighty God who loves and protects His people. As I meditated on it, the burdens and frustration I felt started to turn into hope and peace in God.

I am also reminded of Jesus being crucified despite the fact that he was innocent. When it appeared as if all was lost, Christ’s resurrection showed that God’s power and justice would prevail. From this, I know that my hope in God for deliverance is solid as He has the power to do so and He cares for his people. Thus, I should entrust the outcome into His hands, as God’s justice is perfect;  He delivers His people in His way and in His time.


As I continue in my current vocation, I do so not to win approval from people around me but out of responsibility for the position I am in. I will put aside resentment which comes from a place of sinful judgment of my colleagues. Instead, I will mend relationships with them. I will remember Psalm 97 with hope that God’s glory will one day be made known to everyone.


Almighty Heavenly Father, guard my heart from sinful thoughts, that I may be filled with the peace that only You can provide. You are a loving God that protects and cares for me. Help me to trust in You and be reminded of Your power. Amen.    

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