12 February 2025 – Submit

BRD 2025 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 12th February 2025


Jonah 2 and Psalm 43 (NIV)



Jonah 2 and Psalm 43 (NIV) 

(Janet Tan from Worship and Music Ministry)


Jonah 2 (NIV)


Jonah was running away from God and ended up in a big fish’s belly. It seemed like he was being punished for running away. However, from another point of view, it can be seen as God giving him space and time to reflect upon his action. He did! While being trapped inside the fish, he prayed to God. In his prayer, he repented and submitted himself to God.


Whenever people mention Jonah, I always remember him as the prophet who ran away and ended up in a big fish’s belly. I believe that in our lives, there would have been once when we were like Jonah, trying to run away for God. I too was once a “Jonah”. During those years, as much as possible, I tried to turn down whatever roles and responsibilities that were given. I remember that during those years, God was silent, to the extent that once I thought He had given up on me. It was when I stopped running and started to submit to Him, that God revealed to me that all those years when I was running away, He never left me. In fact, He was moulding me, preparing me for what I wouldencounter in my future career. I was able to apply what I learnt in my career and things just got better and better. 

Jonah 2: 6 “To the roots of the mountains I sank down; the earth beneath barred me in forever. But you, Lord my God, brought my life up from the pit.”  

What I have today, is provided by God. I believe that now, like Jonah, God hasdelivered me onto dry land (Jonah 2:10).


Whenever there’s a junction in life that I need to cross, I will submit to Him. Under His guidance, it will be well.


Dear Lord, continue to teach  me not to run away but to be submissive. Teach me  to place  my  trust in You and walk by faith. Thank You for Your deliverance and guidance.  In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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