11 January 2024 – A Day When The Sun Stood Still

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 11th January 2024


Joshua 10:1-43 and Psalm 11 (NIV)

A Day When The Sun Stood Still


Joshua 10:1-43 and Psalm 11 (NIV)

(Terence Tan, Zone 5 APCZL)


In Joshua 10:14 (NIV) it was stated that there never has been a day like it before or since, when the Lord listened to a human being, in reference to the battle Joshua fought with his troops at Gibeon against the Amorites.


Joshua 10 seems to be merely a historical recounting of a battle between Joshua and the Israelites against their mortal enemies. However, there are some notable miracles in this story.

Firstly, this battle was different as the Lord caused the sun to delay setting for over a full day. This gave the Israelite army more daylight hours to complete the battle and to totally defeat their enemies,  the Amorites. The delayed setting of the sun was upon Joshua’s request to God to allow the sun to stand still over Gideon, the battle site. 

Another amazing fact of this battle was that the whole Israelite army returned safely to Joshua’s camp at Makkedah. 

The rest of Joshua 10 then recounted Joshua’s victory over 6 other cities. Indeed, the Lord was fighting for Israel as noted in Joshua 10:14 and in Joshua 10:42.

What made the Israelite army successful? We are told in Joshua 10:8 that the Lord instructed Joshua not to be afraid of his enemies as the Lord has given them into Joshua’s hands. The Lord also foretold that not a single enemy would be able to withstand Joshua’s army. More importantly, there is a suggestion that Joshua’s success was due to his faithfulness in obeying God’s commands (Joshua 10:40).


In my daily life, I do encounter challenges both spiritual and secular. I recall a recent incident when I encountered a contractual dispute in my course of work and almost faced a legal challenge. My wife advised me to pray about it and I did – although I will admit that I also tried to rely on my own effort to address the issue. Eventually, the legal case did not occur, and the matter was resolved. On deeper reflection, I realized that God must have fought my battle for me despite my lack of full trust that He will resolve it for me. I need to remember that a God who can make the sun stand still  can surely resolve any issues I face. 


As a believer, and as long as I trust God and obey Him and His commandments, He will always fight my battles for me. In whatever challenges I face, I need to act properly as a true witness of God, so as not to bring disrepute to God through my actions. This I can only do through the power of God and through faithful prayer and trust in God’s actions. 


Dear Jesus, I admit that I often lack sufficient faith and trust in Your divine ability to protect me in all circumstances. May You remind me that I just have to trust in You and obey You. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. May all my actions be led by You and may Your name be glorified in all that I do. As in Psalm 11, help me to take refuge in You always. In Your name I pray, Amen. 

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