11 April 2023 – I Am God’s Workmanship

Input BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 11th April 2023


Exodus 2 & Psalm 53 (NIV)

I Am God’s Workmanship


Exodus 2 & Psalm 53 (NIV)

(Chan Wai Lup, Chairperson, Discipleship and Nurture)


Exodus 2 (NIV)


Exodus 2 tells of the first two-thirds of Moses’ life. Moses was born during a time of great oppression for the Israelites in Egypt, when Pharaoh ordered the death of every Hebrew boy. How Moses survived and became the son of Pharaoh’s daughter was a miracle. When he was a vulnerable baby, we see God’s hand protecting and providing for him through his sister, his mother and the Pharaoh’s daughter. Yet, at the height of his good life, he impulsively killed an Egyptian and was forced to flee to Midian. God once again provided for Moses, who received refuge, acceptance and the opportunity to start a family in the foreign land.

Although so many life-changing events had happened in Moses’ life, little did he expect that God would have a greater assignment for him in the next 40 years. At 80 years old, God called him through the burning bush to lead His people out of Egypt.


To some extent, I can identify with Moses. 

When I was a little boy, I had asthma which required regular nebuliser treatment. Hence, I grew up rather weak and frail until I was about 10 years of age. Looking back, I could see how God protected and miraculously healed me of my asthma as I was able to participate in active sports like badminton and soccer in my secondary school days. 

I did not have any great ambition in life and did not do well in my A-level examinations. Yet, God opened the door to a career as a family physician for more than 30 years. Work has never been plain-sailing. There were times when my career was threatened by financial difficulties, disagreements and health issues. Most times, God spoke to me through the burning bush and gave me direction. I could see how God used me to serve His purpose as a family physician despite many challenges both at work and at home.  

Now, at the age of 60 years, I am contemplating retirement. But the story of Moses reminds me that God can yet have a greater assignment for me. 


I will look back at my life and remember how God has provided for me, healed me of all my illnesses, and directed me in my career. I can have confidence that He will do the same for the next season of my life.

I will continue to be open to what and where God leads. Although I am no longer young, I believe that when God calls, He will also provide. Like Moses, whose eyes were not dim and whose strength did not abate even at the age of 120 years, I believe that God will continue to give me clarity and strength in the years ahead. 


Dear God, I am your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which You have prepared beforehand so that I would walk in them. Continue to guide me in all that I do in this season of my life. Grant me clarity, wisdom and strength in every assignment you will call me to fulfil. Continue to help me grow, conforming to the image of Christ. May everything that I am and do be for your glory alone. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen! 

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