10 May 2024 – It Is Good To Be Near To God

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Friday, 10th May 2024


2 Samuel 19:9-43 and Psalm 73:15-28 (NIV)

It Is Good To Be Near To God


2 Samuel 19:9-43 and Psalm 73:15-28 (NIV)

(Jonathan Huang, Deputy Director of Administry)


2 Samuel 19:10 (NLT) Now Absalom, whom we anointed to rule over us, is dead. Why not ask David to come back and be our king again?”

Psalm 73:27-28a (NIV) Those who are far from you will perish; you destroy all who are unfaithful to you. But as for me, it is good to be near God.


The politics of David’s court had more twists and turns than all of Game of Thrones. Today we read of various players vying for David’s favour after the traitor Absalom’s death – Shimei tried to reverse course after cursing David (v19-21); Mephibosheth and Ziba pinned the blame on each other to be seen as loyal (v26-27).

David played the game and showed leniency as he tried to gain back support for his rule, however he immediately faced yet another revolt by Shiba (in the immediate next chapter). Over the course of David’s life, not settling issues rightly kept coming back to bite him.

He was not always like this – when a younger David was pursued by Saul, he had a much simpler approach –act righteously and trust in God, even to the point of sparing Saul’s life in that dark cave.

Psalm 73 and its call to trust in God despite treachery all around could very well have been young David’s theme, but he failed to heed it as he got older. Psalm 73 speaks of seeing the wicked prosper, yet staying steadfast and refusing to play the game, and ultimately being upheld by God.


Christians have it tough – we see evil and unrighteousness succeeding in our workplaces, in society, and in the world. In my first job, I was tempted to “play the game”,  to not fall behind. However, I was reminded that only ruin awaits. As they say, “Even if you win the rat race, you’re still a rat.”

God’s word to me in that season and in every season since has been to always act righteously no matter what others are doing, and trust in God to vindicate me.


Am I able to see as the Psalmist sees? That in the end the unfaithful will perish (v27), and that God himself is our portion (v26). May I be able to ignore what the wicked are doing, and focus on pleasing God!


Dear Lord, the evil one knows just how to make us doubt and tempt us. Keep us Lord, on the righteous path, knowing that You are protecting, guiding and vindicating us. May the wicked receive their due, and may the pure in heart find their treasure in You. Amen.

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