Stabbed In The Back
(Carol Liew from Worship and Music Ministry)
Focus on Psalm 41, in particular verses 4 and 10-12.
Have you ever been betrayed by someone close? I certainly have and it is one of the greatest hurts one can experience. In such situations, I am tempted to either retaliate with greater force or hide away drowning in man’s condemnation.
What is an appropriate and Godly response? How does David respond to the betrayal he experienced from his enemy and even his best friend who had turned against him likely whilst he is sick ?
David asks God for mercy (v. 4) and pours out his grievances to the LORD (vv. 5-9). He then asks for mercy again and for the LORD to make him well again so that justice can be sought (v. 10). He concludes by reaffirming God’s goodness and praising the LORD (v. 12).
I am reminded that when I am betrayed by others, I am not more righteous than those who betray me. I am to seek mercy and forgiveness from God.
I will tell God all my grievances and know that my Saviour understands me completely. He will comfort me. He promises me restoration and salvation. He will not let my enemies triumph over me.
I am to praise Him in all circumstances!
Is there someone who has betrayed me? Just as I know God forgives me, I will choose today to extend forgiveness and mercy to this person. I will also seek reconciliation with my friend in God’s time.
Have I been the one who has betrayed a friend? I will seek God’s mercy and forgiveness and I will seek my friend’s forgiveness.
I will bring my grievances to Jesus and be reminded of the price that Jesus paid for me on the cross.
I will praise God for His goodness and mercy to me.
Lord, have mercy on me and make me well again. I know You are pleased with me, for you have not let my enemies triumph over me. You have preserved my life and You have brought me into Your presence forever. I will praise You my God who is from everlasting to everlasting. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (adapted from Psalm 41:10-12)