1 October 2024 – The Vision

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 1st October 2024


Ezekiel 1 and Psalm 136 (NIV)

The Vision


Ezekiel 1 and Psalm 136 (NIV)

(Barnabas Ng, Disciple Facilitator)


Ezekiel 1 and Psalm 136


“Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. And when I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard the voice of one speaking” Ezekiel 1:28b (ESV).

What a dramatic calling and commission Ezekiel was given! Yet, it is one that is so required when the Jewish exiles in Babylon were ripped apart from their families and witnessed the destruction of their nation. Whatever glimpse of hope that was left in them felt like a single burning flame flickering under a gushing wind. God’s vision of glory did not only shine light into the darkness but also pierced through the darkness of their hearts and called forth a heart of repentance. This is evident in the following examples from the passage:

  • The four living beings and wheels (vv. 5-21) – These show God’s rule over all creation and His readiness to move and help. The faces of a man, a lion, an ox and an eagle represent intelligence, strength, service and swiftness respectively.
  • The vast expanse and throne of God (vv. 22-28) – The first part of verse 28 encapsulates the beauty and magnificence of God’s glory – “Like the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud on the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness all around.”


God’s vision to Ezekiel provided not just a source of comfort to the exiles in their darkest moments, it also convicted them of how they had fallen short of their obedience to Him. Likewise today, God has given us a vision – the  symbol of the Cross which reminds me of Christ giving up all His glory to be with us, to suffer with and for us. In addition, the Cross signifies how Christ bridged the gap between us and God, allowing us to reconcile with Him.  It reminds me of how a mediator holds the hands of two disagreeing parties to build that connection. Lastly, the Cross symbolises Christ running towards us with His outstretched arms, ready to welcome us home.


As I reflect on Ezekiel 1 and God’s vision so beautifully described, I cannot help but ask myself what the Cross truly means to me. Just as God’s vision brings hope and conviction to the exiles, may I be able to bring hope and conviction to those who need to hear about God’s love for them.


Lord, just as You called Ezekiel to bring a message of hope and conviction to those who needed it, I pray that I too would be available as Your instrument to reach out to those in need. Amen.

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