1 May 2023 – Periods Of Life

Input BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Monday, 1st May 2023


Exodus 31, 32 and Psalm 73 (NIV)

Periods Of Life


Exodus 31, 32 and Psalm 73 (NIV)

(Irene Tan, Precepts Facilitator)


Psalm 73 and Exodus 31, 32 (NIV)


In my reflections on Psalm 73, Exodus 31 and 32, I found few common things within two periods in my life, the first as an unbeliever and second as a child of God.

Psalm 73:2-16 captured how I felt towards the worldliness of non-believers before I came to Christ. I am very thankful to God that though I was living by the norms and culture of the world, I did not follow its worldly ways.

Psalm 73:17, “Until I came into the sanctuary of God.”. This verse is like the turning point of my life. It reflects how when I believed in Jesus, God allowed me to be in His Presence. From then on, I started to learn about God.

When I reflected on Exodus 31, the events revealed to me God’s love for His people. He called specific persons, and He gave each one knowledge and specific skills to make special things for the Tabernacle. I reflected on the help that God gave His people to do His will. How He empowered them. I realized God has given me help too! He gave me the Holy Spirit, my Helper from the time I received Jesus as my Saviour. How great is our God! He is good yesterday, today and tomorrow!

In Exodus 31:12-17, the sabbath became God’s sign of covenant with His people (Exodus 31:16). Because God knew His people will disobey, in His love, He warned them of death for profanity and separation from their people if they fail to observe the sabbath.

God then wrote His commandments for Moses to bring to His people (Exodus 31:18). I reflected on His desire for His people to behave as laid down in His commandments. Their godly behaviour towards one another will also reveal God to others around them.

Finally, I reflected on four words in Exodus 32:1, “make us a god”. These words brought destruction on the people who said them. They turned away from God and He turned His anger upon them.


Look to the Holy Spirit, my Helper and keep to God’s ways with His help.

Confess, repent, and ask for forgiveness for misbehaviour.

Stay with a small, trusted group for accountability.

I should be mindful of not making a god of something that I think is important to me.


Pray for the gospel to reach more unbelievers, that they will reject the ways of the world and follow Jesus.

Be mindful of godly behaviour, love one another as Jesus loves.


Dear God, my Father, thank you for receiving me as Your child. I pray I shall continue to follow Jesus and extend Your love to others along the way. Thank You for Your grace to everyone who calls on You and I pray that more will call on Your Name and enter Your Kingdom. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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