13 May 2022 – God’s Purpose Accomplished

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Friday, 13th May 2022


Ruth 4:1-12 and Psalm 78:40-72 (NIV)

God’s Purpose Accomplished


Ruth 4:1-12 and Psalm 78:40-72 (NIV)

(Khoo Heng Keow, Chairperson, Tuesday Fellowship, Womenā€™s Society of Christian Service (WSCS))


Ruth 4:1-12 (NIV)


1.   Boaz went to seek out the kinsman-redeemer at the town gate where legal transactions are made/finalised. There he gathered 10 elders/witnesses.

2.   He told the kinsman-redeemer (nearest relative to Naomi) that he had 1st right to buy/redeem Naomiā€™s husband (Elimelech)ā€™s land, and that he, Boaz, was next in line.

3.   The kinsman-redeemer agreed to buy/redeem the land.

4.   Boaz then told him that with the purchase of the land, the kinsman-redeemer had to marry Ruth the Moabitess, the widow of Naomiā€™s son, to produce offspring to carry on her late husbandā€™s family line, together with his land.

5.   The kinsman-redeemer changed his mind and ceded/surrendered the right to buy Naomiā€™s husbandā€™s property, to Boaz. So Boaz redeemed the property and  acquired Ruth as his wife, to maintain Naomiā€™s husbandā€™s family line, together  with his property.

6.   The eldersā€™ blessings upon: (These turned out to be prophetic!)

(i) Ruth: was that the Lord would make her like Rachel and Leah, who built up the house of Israel (with 12 tribes). (She – a Gentile! – was ā€œincludedā€, and became the great grandmother of King David, and ancestor of the Messiah/Jesus).

(ii) Boaz: was that he would be famous and have standing in Bethlehem Ephrathah. (He became the great grandfather of King David. Both David and Jesus were born in Bethlehem, whose old name was Ephrathah.)

(iii) Their offspring: was that they would be like that of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah! (Their son, Obed, was the father of Jesse, who was the father of King David) (Perez was also the offspring of a Levirate marriage, and an ancestor of Jesus).


1.   I see Boaz as a good role model. He was a responsible man of integrity, who cared for his relatives (Naomi and Ruth). He followed the law as instructed by Moses in the Pentateuch/Torah. He did the right thing, right away, following proper procedure, though there was a risk he may not be able to marry Ruth, for whom he had a favourable impression, and possibly some interest.

(i) The Levirate law specifies that a ā€œbrother-in-lawā€/ male relative should marry the childless widow of a dead brother, to provide an heir for his dead brotherā€™s inheritance of land. This keeps the property within the family.

(ii) The kinsman-redeemer is a male relative who has the privilege/responsibility to help a relative in need.

2.   I can see Godā€™s hand directing the decisions and events as the story unfolds, preparing the lineage of ancestors for His Son, the Messiah. God included Ruth, a Gentile, among the ancestors of His Son, but she was someone who had placed her faith in the God of Israel. Through the laws, I see the love of God, who provided for the needs of widows, such as Naomi and Ruth. They were accorded protection, financial security, future family support and a bright future. 


1.  I will study the Word of God to learn more about the God who loves, cares and provides for the needs of each individual person, to know Him better and how He interacts with different kinds of men and women.

2.  I will do the right thing and place my faith in God, learning to trust Him more and more, even though circumstances may not be favourable and there are obstacles along the way. 

ā€œAnd we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.ā€ (Romans 8:28)

ā€œWho shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecutionā€¦……. No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.ā€ (Romans 8:35, 37)


Father in heaven, help me to keep close to you, listening for your still small voice, seeking your guidance in decisions I make – no matter how seemingly insignificant, and trusting that in your love for me, you who sees the ā€œbig pictureā€ with eternal, kingdom perspective, and have a plan / purpose for my life, will direct my steps to your desired destiny. In Jesusā€™ name. Amen.

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